please help me

March 20th, 2021
I'm currently on holiday in our campervan and am due to judge the bw60 challenge. I've looked at the photos that have been entered and can choose the the top 5 but don't have the instructions on the process for notifying people they are in the top 5 etc. Can someone please help me. I'm happy if someone else wants to judge and them continue the process but don't want to let my commitment slip. My internet coverage is patchy so have a double challenge to get this task completed
March 20th, 2021
Sue of course I'll help!!

On one of my old photos tell me which you've selected and I'll post on your behalf

Hope you're having a good holiday x

March 20th, 2021
When I've selected a photo for the vote in a challenge I have two ways of letting the person know their picture is in the vote. First I go directly to the photo I've selected and leave a comment underneath like "Congratulations ___ ! This photo has made the vote for (enter challenge name here). The second place I notify the person is in the "post reply" section underneath the pictures when I've posted them for the 365 community to vote on. In that section I put their @tag listing and another "Congrats on making the vote off" type statement. I don't think there's any actual procedure and some 365ers do it slightly differently so feel free to do what works best for you in this situation. Do you also need instructions on how to post the finalists? Feel free to ask me for that too if you need them.
March 20th, 2021
I just put their @tag at the bottom of the post. The tags are found in the data in the photographs. I'm sure no one will mind if the voting is a bit late. Especially as you have informed us of your situation. Sounds like Jackie has you covered too.
March 21st, 2021
Jackie's idea @30pics4jackiesdiamond is great, Sue. I have stepped in and done that for a member in the past as well.
Hope you are having a great holiday!
March 21st, 2021
@30pics4jackiesdiamond Jackie, I really appreciate your offer to help me out here. What an awesome community the people on this site are. I see no problem in posting my top 5 on this site as once you take the next step they will be public anyway. My top 5 are:
Northy - Bye Bye Blackbird
Wendy - Power lines silhouette
Etienne - Late afternoon walkers
Moni Kozi - I'm Pilates
Ethel - Thumbs at work

Thank you so much for coming to my rescue. I don't like letting people down and was struggling to remember how to notify the finalist.
March 21st, 2021
@suez1e I'll have it sorted by the end of the day for you
March 21st, 2021
@suez1e done!!!!
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