Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day.

April 16th, 2023
This year 30th April is Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day (see for more information).

If you want to post in here you can use the tag "Pin2023".
April 17th, 2023
April 22nd, 2023
Is there a tag for posts here? I'm planning to try it out!
April 26th, 2023
@joysabin Thanks for this. @lsquared Good point - what about "Pin2023"?
April 29th, 2023
Well, I've played around with converting my old Nikon D3200 for pinhole, and have had... ... well... ... minimal success. It has been a fun experience, though, and I'll probably play around with it some more. I'm posting 3x photos into my albums, today, and I'll use the pin2023 tag. I did convert to B&W, since that seemed more "right" for pinhole. But other than that, they're straight out of camera. I'll try again tomorrow for actual Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day
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