UPDATE - Architecture-1 Challenge.

December 26th, 2023
The winner of Architecture-1 challenge, Ellen Bogenschutz @theredcamera was announced on 22nd December 2023, however, a check on her profile indicates that she has not posted since 14th December 2023.

If there is no response from Ellen by the morning of 28th December 2023, I intend to contact the runner-up on this challenge to invite them to host the next round, unless there are any objections.

Andreas @bournesnapper was the runner-up when voting was concluded earlier this month.
December 26th, 2023
I wonder if Ellen is OK? Does anyone know?
December 26th, 2023
@ankers70 might just be the season? She’s been inconsistent here this month
December 26th, 2023
@northy My thoughts on the season entirely. There is no need to rush - I’ll have problems posting too and may have to stand back.
December 26th, 2023
Did you leave a message on her photo as well as the announcement thread? Sometimes that helps when the 365er gets a personal notification on their image. Ellen does post- but not always frequently. I think it may be due to the season along with the others.
December 26th, 2023
Aak! I just logged in and saw this wonderful news! Thanks for this honor! Yes, in fact my excuse is the season and getting too involved in other activities. Love that you all are tracking me! Unfortunately I am still in the mists of family visits and entertainments through the new year. I graciously pass the baton to @bournesnapper to host the next challenge. Thanks again for choosing my image to be considered and so happy it was voted above the other deserving entries.
December 27th, 2023
@lumpiniman I'm afraid, John, that I too won't be able to host the second round, which is a real pity. But good to know that @theredcamera Ellen is okay.
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