Four More Days to Enter Album Cover Challenge #149

January 7th, 2024
The entry days for Album Cover Challenge 149 are coming quickly to a close. Here's the info for those of you who'd like to get an entry put together:

1. THE BAND: Go to the Wikipedia website’s main page. Page and choose any of the Featured Articles on the main page for your band/artist/musician.

If any of those featured articles do not appeal to you, you may try this: in the upper left of the Wikipedia logo, click on the the 3 bars and the Main Menu opens. Scroll down and click on "Random Article". The title of the article that comes up will be the name of your band/artist/musician.

2. THE ALBUM: Go to and click on "Random Quotes" from the left menu. Scroll down to the end of the page. The last 4 to 6 words of any of the three last quotes on the page is the title of your album (whichever you think would go with your band or artist).

3. Next, find or take a photo or photos that fits the album and artist(s). The cover can be made up of one single shot or an edit with multiple layers, and so on. There are no limits to processing options. However, please remember that ALBUM COVERS ARE SQUARE so don't forget to crop, or shoot in 1:1 aspect ratio

4. You may use any editing program you like to create your cover (Photoshop, Gimp, ipiccy, Ribbet, Picmonkey -- there are many other free photo editing programs out there). You can use any image for the album, old or new, but it must be your own photo or images and all the processing must be done and uploaded during the time frame of the challenge.

5. This challenge has evolved quite a bit during its course and lately some folks have introduced creating their album cover manually (such as making a collage or montage which includes text form a newspaper instead of using a processing program) and taking a photo of their creation. If you choose to create your album cover this way, just remember the SQUARE crop.

6. You may submit more than one album cover but only one will be chosen per photographer.

ALBUM COVER CHALLENGE #149 will run from December 10, 2023 to January 10, 2023
TAG: albumcoverchallenge149

2. Entries can be viewed here:

To keep this discussion alive and current, you are invited to share your album cover creation in this discussion thread. To do so, click on the three dots on the bottom right of your post and then copy and paste the embed code on to the comment box below. Your photo will appear in the discussion once you click on the Post Comment button.

So, let your inner graphic artist free and play along. What style or genre will your artist be? How will you portray them? I’m looking forward to some creative combos and submissions! And thanks again to @kametty Kathryn for hosting the previous round.

Ann LeFevre
January 7th, 2024
Here's a little something to inspire you:

Click on the picture and go to my project to learn more about the artist and the title.
January 7th, 2024
Artist:- Masked booby.

Title:- Keep in the sunlight.

Quote:- Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight.
Benjamin Franklin
January 7th, 2024
@la_photographic Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Laura!
January 8th, 2024
January 9th, 2024
Don't know if I'm doing something wrong but I tried today to get a band name to use for this but I think maybe the layout of Wikipedia has changed because, when I click on the link above, it takes me to a place that doesn't seem to have a number of featured articles, as I think it did in the past. Has anyone else had issues with this?
January 9th, 2024
@gardencat That's news to me Joanne. Try this and don't worry about the deadline.
January 9th, 2024
@la_photographic Thanks for entering!
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