Mundane decorations has a runaway winner.

January 13th, 2024

Congratulations to Junan on this beautiful image.

It's now over to @paintdipper to host the next mundane challenge.
January 13th, 2024
@paintdipper Congratulations Junan.
January 13th, 2024
Congratulations Junan! This is a gorgeous image.
January 13th, 2024
Congrats... great image
January 14th, 2024
Congratulations Junan. Wonderful image.
January 15th, 2024
I just saw this, thank you so much to Merrelyn and everyone that participated and voted. I’m thrilled to be hosting the next mundane challenge.
January 15th, 2024
@merrelyn never done this before I may need a little help, where can I get in touch?
January 15th, 2024
Hi Junan, this is a good place to start.
If you have any problems drop me an email We're going in a couple of days and won't have internet while we're away.
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