Artist Challenge

March 22nd, 2011
Here is the challenge. Make a photograh based on a famous artist. (Feel free to go beyond just copying an artist's work) The first artist we will use as inspiration is Vincent van Gogh. The next artist challenge will have a different artist.

Five finalist's work will be chosen and posted. The 365 community will choose a winner from this group of five by voting.

To participate please include "theme-vincent" as a tag, and a single sentence describing how your photograh is related to the artist's work. You may begin at midnight EST tomorrow, but seven days later at midnight the challenge will be closed. Only work done from March 22- March 29th will be accepted.
(It would be fun to put a copy of the pic in this thread. Might even help others.)

Good luck!

Here is my sample

This is a reinterpretation of Van Gogh's "Irises" using simillar colors, but different flowers, and composition.

March 22nd, 2011
I like this idea! It's always fun to try to recreate a work you love.
March 22nd, 2011
this is really cool! Now I gotta get my thinking cap on....
March 22nd, 2011
Ooh, this is a great challenge and is going to be fun!
March 22nd, 2011
Ah, a new challenge to inspire me ...
March 22nd, 2011
March 22nd, 2011
I have been thinking about doing this too! How fun!
March 22nd, 2011
Van Gogh's Sunflowers
March 22nd, 2011
This is great theme! here's my fun inspired by Leonardo da Vinci :)

I'll also try to make something new for this challenge :)
March 22nd, 2011

my attempt for the theme :)
March 22nd, 2011

sorry meant to do that !
March 23rd, 2011
This is my entry in the Artists Challenge. Claude Monet has always been one of my favorite artists. His wisteria paintings are not my favorite...I LOVE his water lilies...but I don't have water lilies readily available. I have tons of wisteria.
March 23rd, 2011

this was after an anonymous Italian baroque artist - :-)
March 23rd, 2011
Here's my attempt - it was taken 1st March but edited today so I hope that counts!

March 24th, 2011
@mikhasus . Awesome... just awesome!
March 24th, 2011
Girl With The Pearl Onion Earring.........
March 24th, 2011
@nikkers lol love it!
March 25th, 2011

One of the ladies that follow me, told me that I used the wrong artist, Oops me bad, so did a Van Goph to appease. Sorry bout that!! lol

March 25th, 2011

Sorrow (!!!!!) by vincent van gough and me!!
March 25th, 2011
@looseimages I love this! You are creative AND funny!!
March 25th, 2011
based upon his 'self portrait' 1889

March 25th, 2011
@smapp did it have to be Van Gogh? Or any Artist we chose?
March 25th, 2011
@valhamil I read it as Van Gogh first, then other artists later in other challenges.
March 25th, 2011
This was crazy hard! I don't have the look that I wanted initially. I've spent a couple hours (more actually) to get it this far. Hope everyone can see where I was intending this shot to go.

March 26th, 2011
@valhamil Van Gogh this time around. The winner will pick the new artist when we do it again, later.
March 26th, 2011
Who the hell is Van Gogh ?hahaha- just kidding !!:)OK-count me in.!Btw,all photos are great and deserves a great applause :)
March 26th, 2011

March 26th, 2011
Shoes, 1888

March 27th, 2011
Okay, I'm really happy with this one.

March 27th, 2011
@rbobh69 You should be. That’s awesome!
March 27th, 2011
@lisjam1 Thank you so much!
March 27th, 2011
@houdiniem This is fantastic!
March 27th, 2011
@valhamil - Oh, I guess I did it wrong too. I thought we could pick any artist! Oooooops...
March 27th, 2011
Sorry I am not much for manipulating images so here is my attempt at "A Pair Of Shoes, 1886".

March 28th, 2011
took an existing image from my album and tried to repro the gogh effect.

original to compare
March 28th, 2011
@piza that's really good.
March 28th, 2011
@rbobh69 thank you
March 28th, 2011
I've seen paintings of Van Gogh using this angle, But there where more flowers in his painting. Mabey he didn't paint them so early in spring!
March 28th, 2011
March 28th, 2011
March 28th, 2011


not really sunflowersssss coz it's only one.. but this one i did.. ^__^ maybe tomorrow ill upload more sunflower shots hahahah
March 28th, 2011
March 28th, 2011
March 28th, 2011
March 28th, 2011
March 28th, 2011
@piza This is beautiful! Great processing!
March 28th, 2011
oh my goodness, I just saw this thread for the first time, but on the 22nd (luckily) I did this, which reminds me very much of starry night...
March 28th, 2011
and nobody ever did guess what it's actually a picture of...
March 28th, 2011
@smapp Awesome shot!!
March 29th, 2011
@smapp Thanks for coming up with this idea. It’s fun!
March 29th, 2011
@smapp LOL
March 29th, 2011
My tribute to 'Starry Night' courtesy of the Supermoon.

March 29th, 2011
Ok- I got it this time :) Here's my Starry Night from my parking lot
March 29th, 2011
@smap This is brilliant!! Love it!!

@valhamil Really gorgeous!! What processing do you use?
March 29th, 2011
@slava 1. I boosted the colors 2. saturated 3. gave it a vignette in dark blue 4. used gooify then 5. cloned some faux stars from the sunset That's a LOT of processing, and some of the "stars" are kind of crap- but I'm, pleased with the overall effect :)
March 29th, 2011
@valhamil Thank you so much for the explanation!! I LOVE the end result!!
March 29th, 2011
March 29th, 2011
Here is my interpretation of Van Gogh's Still Life: Vase of Twelve Sunflowers (1889).

March 30th, 2011
@a_morrison @valhamil Both amazing and beautiful interpretations of Starry Night!
March 30th, 2011
@lisjam1 Thanks! It is my favorite Van Gogh :D
April 2nd, 2011
@smapp I love this challenge!!! I did't manage to take a photo for Van Gogh, will there be another artist?
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