Artist Challenge- Paul Strand

June 24th, 2011
Thank you all so much for your votes and I am very honored to have had my image win the last challenge among many other amazing photographs from the community.
So for the next artist challenge I chose photographer/filmmaker Paul Strand ( 1890 - 1976) , simply because he mostly went against the stream in his work. He chose to photograph negative space in a New York City that was rushing towards modernism, while everyone else was photographing the crowds, he loved to shoot people in their environment that they created, so he loved CANDID SHOTS and went as far as hiding a second camera and pretending to shoot in one direction while photographing his subjects unaware. There are many reasons to respect him as an artist but I will emphasize one more which is his love of using his art as way to make a social statement, to actually do something with his photography that could benefit the society as a whole.
You can find a lot more about his life's work and his amazing dedication to photography online, but here are a couple of links:
paul strand at wikipedia
paul strand from metropolitan museum
and some of his images:

The challenge starts today June 24th and ends July 7th, voting will begin on July 8th and the winner will be announced on July 13th
Please tag your submissions with "artist-challenge-strand" and happy shooting!
Please note that you can submit anything in Paul Strand's style, from candid portraits, to street shots with a minimalist feel, to crowds, to architecture or still life and machinery closeups. His work was very diverse so the choices are very wide. Just please make sure your images are processed or shot in black and white or old style tones.
June 24th, 2011
Love the choice mimo!:))
June 24th, 2011
@4stories Glad you like it :) It was a nightmare posting this and formatting it lol I had to delete and do it again! And I studied HTML too, shameful :)
June 24th, 2011
can't see the link and can't see the images too --:)
June 24th, 2011
@jodimuli If you click on the link you can see it :) the image issue is still being sorted out...
June 24th, 2011
Wow, I had never heard of him before but he is right up my alley, his style is very similar to mine (or at least how I imagine myself, lol). I will have to make it a point to get some shots for this challenge. Thanks for choosing such a great artist!
June 24th, 2011
@mimosa oh---o.k.-- btw,Congratulations--well deserved it :)
June 24th, 2011
What a fabulous artist and I can't wait to see all the entries! Great choice Miss Mimo. Our 365ers will go crazy over his work! Excellence that I have come to expect of your and everything you do on 365! Carry on...
June 24th, 2011
This is cool, and will be a really fun challenge! Love to see all the entries!! Great choice!
June 24th, 2011
@lorihiro Thank you Lori, you are so sweet :) I am also really looking forward to see what entries come in!
@jodimuli Thanks Joey :)
@shadesofgrey Great! I can't wait to see your images!
@viranod thanks! and thanks for all your technical help! Hope we can get the images to be visible soon!
June 24th, 2011
@viranod Thank you so much for fixing the links to the images :)
June 24th, 2011
@mimosa One of the things I love about this challenge is learning about a new artists. Thanks for introducing me to Paul Strand.
June 24th, 2011
@smapp my pleasure :)
June 24th, 2011
Oh this should be neat. =)
June 24th, 2011
Like this! Should be fun. Great choice.
June 24th, 2011
@mimosa Grats on winning!

Would this work?

June 25th, 2011
@mimosa Congratulations! I attempted to recreate Rebecca, New York 1923 with myself. A little more difficult than I had imagined!
June 25th, 2011
@lolanae Yes, totally! Fantastic processing!
June 25th, 2011
@rbobh69 That's great Bob! I think self portraits are always the most challenging! So nicely done! Thanks for the entry!
June 25th, 2011
@rich57 Thanks Richard!
June 25th, 2011
@mimosa - Awesome. I saw you mentioned machine close ups and I had my computer right next to me. =) It was a willing subject.
June 25th, 2011
June 25th, 2011
With the news out of NY tonight, a take on art for social causes

June 25th, 2011
June 25th, 2011
@4stories This is just gorgeous!
June 25th, 2011
June 25th, 2011
@rbobh69 - thank you so much:))
June 25th, 2011
June 26th, 2011
I realized today that the view of my backyard is eerily similar to the first picture of Strand's shown above.

June 26th, 2011
June 26th, 2011
June 26th, 2011
June 27th, 2011
June 28th, 2011
June 28th, 2011
June 28th, 2011
June 28th, 2011
I decided this topic was getting buried so I added some of my photos to get it back on the latest page.
June 29th, 2011
Here is my attempt to make a social statement.

July 1st, 2011
here is mine..

July 1st, 2011
My latest candid shot :)
July 2nd, 2011
July 7th, 2011
Thank you all so much for these amazing entries, so impressive!! This theme will be closed tonight, midnight and 5 shots will be chosen and posted tomorrow for everyone to start voting!
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