Tag Challenge VIII - not valid

September 10th, 2011
I just read the very disturbing "stolen photos" discussion by Kathy A (@kjarn).

Tag Challenge VIII was won by the fraudulent Jade in discussion. I could easily name the follow-up as the winner but I'm just wondering how the people who voted for Jade would have voted in her absence. And then I thought without Jade's entry there were not five finalists.

I'm asking for your thoughts on how to precede here...

First of all, would you like to see the Tag Challenge continue? I noticed that not many people enter the challenge. Is it worth carrying on the tradition?

Secondly, if you would like the challenge to live on should I just re-announce the challenge and make a clean start for it or name the runner-up as the winner?

Thanks for your thoughts!
September 10th, 2011
@aspada Amy if it was up to me I would make a clean start, all the entries for the last tag challenge were worthy winners and should be recognised as that. A clean start would make a clean slate for everyone. It also takes the pressure off you to choose another entry to replace the 'stolen pic' and/or decide if the runner up should win. My thoughts are with you for this. It isn't going to be easy to please all involved. ;-)
September 10th, 2011
@aspada , what possible pleasure could a person get from posting stolen photos??? Mentally disturbed perhaps, or is she simply a thief. I wonder what else this woman steals!! I feel like someone should inform the owners of the photographs that she stole, perhaps they would like to file charges:)
Amy, I'm not sure how to answer your question about the tag challenge since I have never participated.....sorry i can't be more help with this.
September 10th, 2011
@aspada I agree with Carin (@hagscat) A clean slate is probably the best solution!! Also I really enjoy the tag challenge and maybe this time more people will join in :-)
September 10th, 2011
There are currently 2 challenges that are running through the month of September, that might be why not as many people participated.
September 10th, 2011
@mej2011 Aren't there always a lot of challenges? I remember when Trina hosted tag challenge VII she postponed it because there were so many challenges going on. I was surprised how few entered the challenge even when she finally got it rolling...
September 10th, 2011
i keep missing the the tag challenge,maybe it would be better to run it for longer,the short time scale is what i struggle with
September 10th, 2011
would it be possible to hold a second vote with the sixth most popular entry being added to the choice? It seems a shame to cancel out all the hard work of all the entrants just because of one bad apple.
September 10th, 2011
Go with the second runner up, I would think having a longer time period may be helpful though. I really do not have much time to think about it.
September 10th, 2011
@sallycheese - I posted the announcement a few days before just to let people know about the 48 hour time period in which they could shoot and upload. The tags could have been chosen when I announced it giving everyone time to think about and plan. I really don't know if extending the challenge to more than 48 hours would help.
September 10th, 2011
@timandelke - There was only one other entry hence my question about whether people would like to even see the challenge continue...
September 10th, 2011
I do not think I have all of the answers to the tag challenge. I like the tag challenge. I have learned a lot from taking a tag challenge shot each time I have done it. I do not always have the time I need to do this in the 48 time frame. Therefore, personally, I could benefit from adding an additional 24 hours to the time frame. On the other hand, I am finding that there are a lot of challenges on the 365 project. Perhaps we could have a tag challenge once a month????
September 10th, 2011
re: runner up or a clean slate. I was undecided on this, until I realized that the runner up moves up to be the winner in other contests, such as a beauty pageant, when the winner is disqualified. However, I am open to either decision (clean slate or runner up wins).
September 10th, 2011
Was nominated for the last one, so let's vote again. Really would like to go on with this challenge, but often the 48 hours is just to short for me aswell, so it would be better if the challenge takes a bit longer. Thank you for the fun challenge!
September 10th, 2011
I'm not even sure I know what the Tag Challenge is, but I am kinda new to the site. So I don't think I could answer any of your question. However, if everyone decides to do another one I would look into entering it :)) Or atleast learning what it is! On another note, it really is sad what that girl did :( She probably just made another account with a different name.
September 10th, 2011
I think the runner-up deserves the recognition. :-)

I participated in this challenge twice or so and then stopped. I could not keep up with the 48-hour limit. It's just so short when a busy life gets in the way. It was fun though.
September 10th, 2011
What is the tag challenge? I'm kind of new to this.
September 10th, 2011
@buttercup Mary, keep an eye open for the announcement of Tag Challenge IX which will be hosted by Maaik @maaikel in the near future. He will have the easy to follow instructions on how to participate :)
September 10th, 2011
I agree, a clean slate for the voting and as this was the first tag challenge I have participated in I would like to do it again so please keep it going.
September 11th, 2011
Runner up should win after all be the winner, for sure. They deserve it, with apologies that such attention, has been takin from their photo.
September 11th, 2011
@aspada Here are my thoughts for what they're worth: 1) Disqualify the "winner" and give the title to #2. Beauty pageants do it, so can you. 2) 48 hours is really hard to get a tag challenge done. The first (and only) time I tried one I got "bad picture" and "hair". I took me 48 hours to convince myself to purposely take a bad picture, let alone figure out how to take a bad picture of hair. I thought I'd gotten my shot in just under the deadline. Whether I made it timewise or not I will never know. I was disappointed to see the easier shots make it into the top five- like "cute" and "children". How hard was that? I guess if you get two easy words, it's easy to pull something off in a short amount of time. But I took the rules very seriously and got two very different words- not to mention unusual ones. So, it you want more participants, I'd say a longer amount of time might be better- and degree of difficulty as well as creativity should be taken into account when choosing the top five. I've been meaning to give it a shot again, but haven't gotten around to it because of other challenges running at the same time. But I always look at the entries and most of the time I vote.
September 11th, 2011
@olivetreeann It's been resolved... Runner up won. Will last 72 hours.
September 11th, 2011
@aspada Thanks Amy. I know you work really hard at making these fun and I promise I will try to participate more!! Thanks for commenting on my recent photos. I really appreciate it!
September 12th, 2011
@aspada I think a longer running time will help a lot with people participating...good idea! I enjoyed the tag challenges I participated in---they made me try new things and also made me go out and find that gorgeous farm.
September 16th, 2011
@hagscat @sallycheese @timandelke @aspada @olivetreeann @5unflow3r @missvicki @buttercup @bugik
The new tag challenge will be this weekend, hope many of you will join. It will take 72 hours this time to have some extra time! Have fun. http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/8423/this-weekend-tagchallenge-ix
September 16th, 2011
@maaikel Thanks for the heads-up Maaikel- I will make sure I get my tags!
September 16th, 2011
@olivetreeann Looking forward to the entry!
September 16th, 2011
I've never done this before - got "nature' and "white", We'll see how it goes!
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