Balloon Festival!

August 21st, 2013
There is a local balloon festival next month, and I am dying to get some photos. I would love it if anyone has done this and has any words of wisdom on settings and such. They have a morning launch, and an evening launch. I am so excited about this I am giddy, but I want to be sure I make the most of my day. Much appreciated!
August 21st, 2013
morning (less wind, better light). bring your WIDEST lens, rent one if you have to (e.g. on a crop sensor, no longer than 24mm). check your histogram constantly, watch for burning out highlights. shoot in RAW of course.

good idea to keep the sun to your back or rear-left/rear-right, but don't be afraid to shoot with the sun burning through the balloon from behind.

go WAY narrow on your aperture, f/11 or better.

with such a wide lens, get as high as you can, like up on a hill. wide angle points down too, as well as left/right.

take closeup shots that focus on the people, using the balloons as background. you're shooting fire, too, if your're close enough, so study shooting fire in daylight.

hope this helps!
August 21st, 2013
@cameronknowlton Thanks, it does help! I don't have a wide angle, so will have to look into renting--depends on finances. :D I don't know if there is a place to get up on a hill, but will look. They have a morning launch and an evening launch, and would (ideally) like to do both. I appreciate the tips! Getting excited!
August 21st, 2013
Love shooting the Balloon Festival. I try to get as many balloons in the frame as possible. Don't forget to take some close up. Their colors and shapes are amazing. The Night Glow is very fun to but takes a tripod and patience. Beautiful crisp images can be captured if there is now wind!
August 21st, 2013
Patti here is another one from that balloon lift off in Austin recently. It's not SOOC but you can see that I was able to zoom in as they lifted off. I used my 18-55 kit lens.
It was very crowded and I have a crappy tripod so my earlier shots had too much camera movement. Even with a tripod it would have been difficult to use due to crowds so be prepared for the other eager people who don't seem to be aware of others. If I could have scouted out the location earlier I would have but for me it ended up being very limited for in the air shots - they took off over some trees/bushes and were quickly gone from view.

So if possible scout out the area see if there is an elevated area that you can get to quickly after taking some close up shots. Also look to see if they have a Splash n Dash planned and where that will happen. I have seen some amazing shots from the Alburqueque Balloon fest where the balloons take off for a nearby body of water ( not that close to be seen from festival grounds) and they just drop balloons down to gently touch the water and go back up.

Wonder how many Texas 365ers there are? Have been thinking I should see if anyone wants to meet up. I'm in San Antonio.
August 21st, 2013
@kbird61 thanks for the tip! I hope I can at least come close to meeting my expectations! @sianipops LOVE that! Great information! I will see if I can get an idea of where they will be. I am new to this area, so it will be a little harder.

There are a few Texans on here, some I have connected to. I found out about 365 when I took a camera class, and have loved this place so much!

I am north of McKinney in a small town called Van Alstyne, but the ones I know are all in Dallas except one, and I think he is further south.
August 21st, 2013
@swamppoodle omg - is it the Plano balloon fest? Just went on the website and you can see the participating balloons! There isn't a splash n dash listed but you'll also have the opportunity to shot fireworks and there's shaped balloons - love Cosmos! Lucky, lucky you. And the entrance fee is $5, wow! Wish I lived closer I would also be excited and there for all 3 days.
August 21st, 2013
@sianipops that is it! I can't wait! I have never been very close to the balloons, so it will be all new to me! Too bad you don't live closer!
August 21st, 2013
Go to the evening one if you can, and it's even starting to get dark. The sight of the balloons lit up from inside when they turn the burners on to heat the air is spectacular.
August 21st, 2013
@Cheesebiscuit Thanks! I hope to go in the morning, and then in the evening, too. ;) I get the feeling I will be spending a lot of time there that weekend! :D
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