Dandelion drop: photoshop or real?

September 15th, 2013
I came across this dandelion drop image today, while looking for inspiration. I'm absolutely amazed and I want to try it, but I can't figure out how this image was done... I need your help: photoshop or real talent? If talent, then how would you do it?


Thank you!!!!!
September 15th, 2013
I have not tried it, but Aaron (@grizzlysghost) has posted some amazing dandelion shots:
http://365project.org/grizzlysghost/365/2013-05-23 http://365project.org/deuces/365/2013-05-22 http://365project.org/grizzlysghost/365/2013-05-24

The last one has a setup explanation.
September 15th, 2013
September 15th, 2013
This blows me away. The creativity of people on here is superb. I feel like a newbie again.
September 15th, 2013
@nadaa Thank you dear :-)
September 15th, 2013
@iwatts I'm feeling like a newbie too... If only I could reproduce one of these images!
September 16th, 2013
The reflection in the water seems authentic, not constructed. The reflected tones have exactly the right "extra" blue vibrance typical of high frequency light at the scattering surface. i can't say about the background for sure, but the refractions (the perfect rainbow) seem disjointed from the subject.

But an extraordinarily beautiful final image whatever was done.
September 16th, 2013
It looks authentic to me, but they definitely used some additive in their water (like glycerine or something to thicken it). I'm pretty certain the reflection is real as well, though I think they tweaked the colors quite a bit. Great setup!
September 16th, 2013
very possibly real. dandelions are amazing to photograph and hang on to water droplets beautifully
September 16th, 2013
Looking through the others photos, they look real.
September 16th, 2013
I agree: The dandelions and droplets and reflection all looks real (look for instance at the indentation of the liquid where the stamen/stalk (?) enters. As to the colours shining through or being reflected from the surface: I don't know...perhaps a rather sophisticated studio setup?

But really beautiful!
September 16th, 2013
Pretty amazing either way!
September 16th, 2013
Cool shot & agree with Aaron, I would think that glycerine was used for the drops!
September 18th, 2013
Photoshopped, Though very well done and still an amazing photo. But looking at it in a close up view you can see where some things from the "Original" do not match with the reflection.
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