Noise control

January 6th, 2011
I use a Canon XSi and I'm getting really frustrated with the level of noise I'm seeing in my photos in just about any type of light, or camera setting. Any suggestions?
January 6th, 2011
High ISO is usually the cause. That, and underexposure (and increasing the brightness on your computer later to compensate).

Check your ISO is as low as you can manage for your particular conditions.
Get as much light into your shot as possible - add light, position your subjects to be in the best light, and open your aperture up if you can.

If none of that works, there could be a problem with your camera's sensor. Electronic signal noise can correspond to noise in your image.

Finally, if it is just that you shoot a lot in dark locations and can't add more light, you can try software like Noiseware (my favourite) or Noise Ninja.
January 6th, 2011
@jinximages Jinx, do you think that you could just sit on all of our shoulders so that when we have a question you could be right there! I read the advice you give on here, and I always mean to print it out, but then I forget. Maybe it's time to write a "Jinx's information that people can understand" book.
January 6th, 2011
@petersonsheri LOL! I wouldn't even know where to start with such a thing. ;) Actually, I've been meaning to ask Ross if we could have "stickies", even if it was just a reference list of links to useful threads at the top of each sub-forum. @scrivna - any possibility of that? I know it would probably be a bit of on-going work to stickify stuff. Maybe a couple of mods who can "tag" threads for sticky so you can click the yes or no button? Or a single stickied thread created and maintained by a volunteer, with links to useful threads all presented in an easy-to-search-by-subject manner?
January 6th, 2011
@jinximages That would be amazing. Like I said, I so often see your information and know that I'm going to need it, but forget to print it. A way to tag it would be so helpful. I'm always floored at the level of technology some of the 365ers have, so maybe someone can come up with something. :)
January 6th, 2011
I've been shooting a lot without flash. (I dislike the artificial look flash gives to most photos.) I might need to add more light. I appreciate your suggestions!
January 6th, 2011
@snapaholic007 ,

what @jinximages said ISO ISO ISO!

I keep seeing it in a lot of photos, they'd be great but I just can't get past the noise ARRRGGG!

A big part of that for anyone with a new camera is to get out of Auto mode (not saying this is you, just in general). I personally try and stick to ISO200 or lower even though I can go to 1600.
January 6th, 2011
Stickies? Naw...just call em "jinxies"
January 6th, 2011
There is a great program called Neat Image, don't remember if it's free ware or if I purchased it. It's great for getting rid of noise. I use it for my Infrared photography as it can cause noise.
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