
February 21st, 2011
I've just started photography i just got Photoimpact pro and i have a Sony Cyber-shot (14 mgp) i know some of the basics, but i would like some good tips on how to take good pictures.
February 21st, 2011

I checked out the above site... looks good...

If you are a book person go get some photog books, with either how-to's or a collection of great photos...

browse here and pick the photos you like... ask how they did it...
February 21st, 2011
Best advice is to practice practice practice! Take your camera everywhere with you. Take pictures of things you would never think to take pics of. Use your creativity and imagination and you will soar :)
February 21st, 2011
Kali, I am also quite new to photography. I always used the auto settings on my camera up until recently.
There is so much to learn and at times it feels like going back to a maths class. Be patient with yourself. Try to learn one thing at a time, for me the first thing I decided to learn was shooting in macro. Macro is such fun and you get up close and personal with items, you soon see the beauty in most objects and how changing angle, you change the image dramatically.
I feel that I have come so far in such a short space of time, though I dont have much free time to dedicate to learning.
Here on 365, so many people are so helpful and willing to share their knowledge. If you see something you like, just ask them.. Normally they are happy to share..
Know that there is no mistakes, just learning curves :o)
Buy a little note book as well, that way you can take a note of your camera settings etc and learn from them instead of trying to remember how you did something last week..
Good luck and have fun :)
February 21st, 2011
Practice makes perfect in photography.
Like the great photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson said: your fist 10000 photos are the worst (I read this quote over here, don't remember who mentioned it but it's so true).

I have never taken lessons or read technical stuff about photography myself but throughout the years I developed my own style. Whenever a shot works out well I I jot down the camera settings to be able to replicate those in the future on similar shots/lighting. I also look at the Exif info of other people's shots on this site quite often.
February 21st, 2011
First off, get to know your camera and all the different features and functionality that you can use. Then get to know the basics of how you can control the results from your camera, i.e. Shutter Speed, Aperture, ISO Speed, etc.

It's natural to just point and shoot but get into the habit of thinking about how you want your photo to look and what settings you need to adjust before pressing that button.
February 21st, 2011
I will echo, but practise and ask questions. Especially here on 365 because there are some wonderful photographers here with some cool knowledge and they are good for a few sweet answers.

Oh yeah and practise. :)
February 21st, 2011
I would love to be an "instruction reader" but I'm really not, which I guess makes things harder in the long run as I learn by doing and make many mistakes, I haven't a clue about the settings on my camera but am working on it. I have taken hundreds of pictures that are rubbish and I miss so many shots faffing around, but I figure this is supposed to be fun... I keep practising and practising and occasionally, just occasionally I get one that I think "that's it"! Have fun!
February 21st, 2011
A lot of free lessons/articles as well as a free weekly e-newsletter that offers many tips and tricks.
February 21st, 2011 everything you can and then try the stuff it teaches you.
Bryan Peterson (Understand Exposure and various other ones) Michael Freeman (The Photographer's Eye and also numerous other ones), Scott Kelby (Digital Photography Vol1, Vol 2 and Vol3). Those authors all write fantastic books that will help you pick up little things. has a beginner forum that is very helpful as well. Believe it or not, has TONS of great videos explaining all sorts of different things from beginner to experienced. Anytime I can get my hands on a photography book I read it. They are all so informative. has a 'learn' section that has tutorials as well. Good luck and enjoy it!!! I learn something new every day, it's great.
February 21st, 2011
I agree with the above. Take photos of everything, from all perspectives (from above, on the ground looking up, etc.). But mostly, have fun, and don't let people get in the way of what you enjoy. :)
February 21st, 2011
I just remember......someone told me to LOOK at as many pictures as I can and take mental notes about what you like and dislike about each photo. I constantly do that on this website and flickr and random books at the library or book store.
February 21st, 2011
@michelleyoung thaks so mush your information is really helpful, and i do mainly take macro pictures, there my favorite. but i never take my camera much outside which im going to start doing now. thank for all your help :)
February 21st, 2011
@laceyjogautreau @mattyb @halkia jcrowley40 @michellegaynor @bobofoto @dgc4rter @xentares @icywarm
Macro and perspective photos would have to be my favorite, i have taken a photography class where they use Photoimpact so im just going to star with that though i have it but havn't installed it yet. I defenently will start carrying a notebook around with me now and try to start taking pictures of nature, people, animals ect. whenever i can. i do take many many pictures i dont like but practice makes perfect, Thanks for all the help!
March 16th, 2011
I'm new to this as well, and just started the 365 project and I only have about 15 pictures but I never know if the pictures I take are good or not because I only have 1 person following me and I never get any feedback on my work, what do I do??
March 16th, 2011
I am new as well. I started this project on 1/1/11. Have taken a picture everyday and I know some of them are so boring. I am not very good but have had a great time thinking of what picture I am going to take for the day. My daughter thinks I am crazy at times. I am thankful for the comments I do get on some of my pictures. I surprise myself every now and then with the pictures I take.
March 19th, 2011
I, too, am a beginner but i do like taking photos. I still have a lot to learn esp how to use my cam properly. But i think if you take photos of what you love, you can't go wrong either. Being here (im a newbie) and seeing all the great photos ppl take, and the ppl themselve who are so helpful, makes me want to get better.
March 21st, 2011
Look up "Rule of Thirds" This lets you see photographically. Practise, read and check out other people's photos, you can get some great inspiration from all the photographers on this site.
March 21st, 2011
I am also pretty new, but I am learning so much watching everyone else. And they are so good to help you out. But if I try something they have done, I try to make sure it isn't just the same. I try to use it to learn then make my own spin on it. Don't know if that helps or not.
March 23rd, 2011
I don't have very many followers as well, but ovetime im shure you will get much more. Also what i like to do is browse around 365 and look at pictures and if i like what that person takes i'll follow them and in some cases they will follow you back or look at your pictures and give some feedback. And if you upload one or more everyday then overtime your gonna have alot and your going to be more recognised.
March 23rd, 2011
@wrogers @josamz @lauriemct @miata2u @willapop

Thank you all for your input! It is greatly appreciated!!! I will make sure to follow all of you that I am not already following! :)
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