Ever tried underwater photography?

March 16th, 2011
March 16th, 2011
+ the Alice in Wonderland set is incredible!
March 16th, 2011
Wow those are AWESOME! Thanks for sharing. I tried taking a pic of myself underwater, and it was insanely tricky, though I was in the tub. I'd love to know how she gets her subjects underwater with no bubbles. Have you ever tried going underwater without blowing bubbles out your nose, and keeping eyes open and all that! I've seen some underwater selfies on flickr that are awesome too.

March 16th, 2011
@indiannie_jones - don't you have a water camera? I feel like you and I had this discussion during the summer time.

Can't wait for summer to start playing around again.

March 16th, 2011
I would love to get an underwater housing for my camera. Buuuuut its really expensive. And I would be nervous puting my $850 camera in the water lol
March 16th, 2011
@crappysailor I do. I've not taken very many with it, though.

March 16th, 2011
@wolfe Seriously, right? The housing costs more than the camera, with some models.
March 16th, 2011
@crappysailor Oh and on an unrelated note, but also something we've discussed before - you remember how it took me forever to get the courage to shoot outdoors? Yeah, well, some whiney woman shattered that today. I was on the pavement, but had the camera around my neck and she was offended that I was looking at her flowers... came out, got all up in my koolaid and waited 'til I'd left the block entirely before going back in... and that was innocent - imagine if I'd actually been taking photos of them! Now what? :(
March 16th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Don't let her get you down, go take an amazing picture of a flower she has or one like it, give her a 5x6 of it and say "have a great day" with a huge smile on your face. I bet next time you walk by, she will be more than happy to let you stop and smell the flowers!

"You catch more flies with honey, than vinegar"
March 16th, 2011
@indiannie_jones - hahahahahaha, the annie from 8 months ago would NEVER have gone back! Well played, did you like what you got?
March 16th, 2011
@wolfe - you can get a relatively inexpensive P&S for like $120 or so. Its a bit strange the first time you take it in the water. But totally fun. Of course not as nice as being able to use your DSLR, but it also has none of the worry of ruining it.
March 16th, 2011
I have a little point and click Olympus that I used to put into video mode and drop on the bottom of my parents pool prior to diving in. It made for some interesting clips.
March 16th, 2011
oh my goodness those are AMAZING photos. I love the Alice series. thanks annie!! That's one more thing I get to add to my "want to do that" list
March 16th, 2011
LOVEEEEEEE the alice in wonderland stuff that little girls eyes must have been SOOOOOOOOO SORRRRRREEEEEEEE!!! LOL

i'd love to have an underwater housing for the dslr, we have a waterproof video camera and point and shoot - this is my only one featured in 365
not so great but fun none the less.
March 16th, 2011
I bought a very cheap underwater housing for our little Ixus point and shoot which has been great for basic shots of snorkelling/swimming etc. Would love to shoot underwater with the DSLR but I'm not risking it or willing to pay for the proper housing!
March 16th, 2011
I would love to get underwater housing for my camera, but I would probably only use it with my inexpensive point-and-shoot, because like wolfe I would be far too paranoid to put my DSLR in it. I do not currently have $600 to replace it!
March 17th, 2011
I've only tried and posted one photo, not so great, but looking forward to seriously trying it this summer.

March 17th, 2011
@indiannie_jones Thank you so much for sharing that link! I am so inspired to shoot more creative underwater shots this summer. I have taken some underwater pictures BUT that was before I knew anything about a camera. I still don't know much but I know how to get better pictures this summer than I took last summer. I didn't want my little kids out in the hot sun so we did learly morning, late day/night, cloudy day swimming. This year I'll lather up the sunscreen and take them out in the sun for nice under water pictures and adjust my white balance before getting into the pool. http://www.flickr.com/photos/14520087@N04/sets/72157626157967803/ is the link to some of our water pictures They look so sad compared to the link you shared.
March 17th, 2011
@wolfe you're funny - I put my $2000+kit under water in a clip lock bag! But now have a $100 DiCAPac for it ...
March 17th, 2011
@mariboo I love this one ... clear and great perspective to boot.
March 17th, 2011
Nine images on flickr - 'lost' originals so downloaded from anther site ... there seemed to be something dodgy with the casing/lens - hence the stripe. ALL SOOC ... will be taking more with the DiCAPac for the Canon 5D! Yahoo!!!

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