First SLR Camera

May 18th, 2011
I'm looking to buy my first SLR Camera pretty soon.

I basically just need to know which camera you guys would recommend and which lenses I should by etc...
May 18th, 2011
If you are looking for a good and VFM Canon I would suggest the Canon EOS 1100D. Else if you could extend your budget... I would recommend the Canon EOS 500D. Both are excellent in their own class.(Or go for Nikon ONLY for the swivel screen :P) Link to Reviews (@dpreview) are below and dpreview I personally feel are the best reviewers.


P.S : I would suggest you'd stick to Canon, because they have the best image quality, but also take a sideways glance at the Panasonic series as their lenses are very good. :D Happy Shopping!
May 18th, 2011
Thanks for the reply :)

I just went and looked at both and I think I am going to buy the 500d purely because the reviews seem to be better and you can get more out of it.

May 18th, 2011
Beware of those who will tell you that Canon is better than Nikon or vice versa. This is not a PC vs MAC debate, where one system is clearly better than the other in certain areas. If you are a novice and just making the step into DSLRs, you cannot go wrong with any of the Canon or Nikon entry-level offers. Only professionals, who are highly specialised in one type of photography or another may find a slight edge in one brand over the other (for example, in high ISO performance or frame-per-second performance, etc.) I'd recommend reading this article:

That said, whatever you decide brand-wise, most non-specialised newcomers like to have a good "all-terrain" lens (18-200 mm, for example), a good portrait lens (50 mm for full-frame cameras or 35 mm for crop sensors) and maybe somthing that will allow you to shoot macros (an actual macro lens, extension tubes, close-up filters, etc.) After that, you can start making purchases based on your specialisation / preferences.
May 18th, 2011
@davidchrtrans That link was for this thread...
May 18th, 2011
@davidchrtrans Very well said! Our SLR is the Nikon D90 and I like it very much, but our point and shoot is a Canon Powershot which does great macro. Canon and Nikon are pretty equal and it does get annoying when people say one is better than the other. The only reason I would recommend the Nikon SLR is because that's what I have! But, I'm sure the comparable one (Rebel?) is just as good.

The only thing I don't really like about the D90 is that it came with an 18-100 kit lens that doesn't really do much for me. I could never understand why my photos always seemed dark and grainy. Then, my husband surprised me last weekend with a 50 mm 1.8 lens and it's like my whole world changed.

Definitely get a 50 mm no matter which camera you get. Trust me! =)
May 18th, 2011
I just bought a 500D (T1i) and I LOVE it! Apparently they are being phased out because of the release of the T3i. Watch for sales...prices will be falling!
May 18th, 2011
My first and only dSLR is a Canon 500D. Jessops had a really good deal just before Christmas, and they had a choice of 2 optional bundles which included lenses. I had the 18-55mm lens (without IS because it was cheaper, and as I undersand things, the IS doesn't REALLY make an awful lot of difference unless you have a longer lens than that (unless you have a really shaky hand...!)). It also came with a UV filter, spare battery and memory card (and £40 cashback).
As a result it was by far the best deal at the time, and I'm very very happy with it.
I bought a reversing ring last week, which enables me to screw on the lens back to front so it doubles up as a "poor man's macro lens" aswell - which I'm dead chuffed with!
May 18th, 2011
Thanks to all of your replies! I've done a bit of internet shopping and I think Comet is on of the most reliable and best deals storewise.
I'm sceptical about using ebay because my Mum bought an SLR from there a while ago and it was delivered broken.
So I figure that if I pick it up myself I can't go wrong... :)
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