T-Ball Portraits

May 26th, 2011
Ok, I know I'm being way overly paranoid on this but it's my first time and sprang on me a week prior to, so I'm kind of freaking out! I would like the opinion of T-Ball and Little League moms mostly, since we all know they are the emotional photo buyers ;) LOL

I'm having a hard time deciding which way to pose the kids for their individuals. Which would you prefer if you had a choice?

1. Full length with bat on shoulder.
2. 3/4 with bat on shoulder.
3. Full length with fist in glove.
4. 3/4 with fist in glove.
5. One knee down with glove.
6. One knee down with bat parallel to body.

Or any others you can think of? I've tried to google it but I'm not coming up with much as far as formal posing. Thanks so much for your input!
May 26th, 2011
Ask them what pose they like... I think they would like it more if they would have something to choose from =) Also, variety is always a good thing... It's just my thought.
May 26th, 2011
As a little league mom, I've had pictures of choices 1, 2, 5, 6. All were fine with me. My grandson played t-ball for the first time this year, and the photographer had to take two pictures because he (grandson) insisted on one in his game face (serious--no smile).
May 26th, 2011
I just ask the player to pose how he/she wants. (I give examples for the little kids that don't know what to do) I found that if they can pick their pose, they are more comfortable ... therefore looking less "posed." Good luck! Kids sports photos are a really easy way to make decent money.
May 26th, 2011
im with the others let the child choose they are way more likely to co-operate ;)
May 26th, 2011
I like the kneeling ones!
June 9th, 2011
@paulremulla @weshook @carajill @sam_cr @mlassiter125 Just wanted to say thanks for everyone's input! Here is the finished product...not completely satisfied but I'm happy with my first attempt! I had a really hard time with the team listening and staying where I put them, and every parent behind me telling them to smile and look here...you all know what that means ;) Not bad for our ghetto t-ball league though. Without me they wouldn't have had anything. Leave it to one of my own kids to not be looking. LOL

I had to take this with my camera phone so everything is majorly off.
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