How to smile for a portrait?

June 23rd, 2011
When I was younger I had such a natural smile for the camera and was very photogenic. These days I tend to spend more time behind the camera and when I eventually end up as a subject of a camera lens I think I tend to over compensate and my smiles and facial expressions always look forced. Is there any advice that you give subjects when trying to get a good portrait? I try to relax, and think of pleasant or funny things but my eyes are always squinted and my smile too big.
June 23rd, 2011
I hate posed portraits, personally. I try and get people candid, if possible. I did one posed family portrait and everyone was SO uptight trying to pose themselves, it was just a pain. Try and not worry about your smile and connect with the camera with your eyes--maybe think of a place you'd like to be? Sting naked? (Sorry, I was just commenting on the Nude Selfie thread) Maybe you're being to critical of yourself too, I see your picture here and I think you have a nice smile
June 23rd, 2011
When something makes you smile, pay attention to how your face feels and moves, once you have a good idea of that it's simply smiling the way that feels right...
June 23rd, 2011
Ugh I have the same problem, which is why I prefer candids of myself that I don't know are being taken. But, and I don't know if this'll help, for my passport photo - because we're actually not allowed to smile for those and I didn't want to look like a terrorist - I actually practised in the mirror before getting that done because I knew I'd be stuck with that picture for the next 5 years!
June 23rd, 2011
@pwallis That comment made me laugh--exactly how I feel about my passport photo, I look like a terrorist! Never thought of practicing, good idea
June 23rd, 2011
@pwallis Wish i'd done that. Now I keep trying to tell myself that by the time the 10 years are up, i'll only see how much younger I was.. A pretty terrifying younger sef, but YOUNGER. hard to take the long view.
June 23rd, 2011
@clarissajohal @june oh it didn't really work. I still look like a terrorist, lol
June 23rd, 2011
I always hated myself on pictures because I smile so wide that my eyes are lost in the process ;) and my smile often looked fake because I overcompensated as well. In the selfie month I suddenly overcame the problem by just ignoring the camera and goofing around like a friend was in front of me, not a camera.
June 23rd, 2011
@pwallis "oh it didn't really work. I still look like a terrorist, lol" haha
June 23rd, 2011
This question always makes me think of the Chandler smile on friends :)
June 23rd, 2011
@pwallis I was about 30 lbs heavier in my passport photo and every time I go to a border agent, they feel the need to comment on it. 5 years of this!! I cannot wait to get a new passport, terrorist facial expression or not!!!
June 23rd, 2011
I thought I'd be the first to mention Chandler.. haha
June 23rd, 2011
@eholle @jennlouise @mimosa That is too funny, I had forgotten about this on "Friends."

@pwallis I think I will try practicing with a mirror. It can't hurt.

@jannaellen I think there is something wrong with me because the camera always catches me looking mad or with my mouth wide open for candid photos. Both are not flattering! I away come away from looking at pictures of myself paranoid that I look like that all of the time!
June 23rd, 2011
@jendee3 get someone to say something stupid and funny..or just dont smile like me lol i got apple cheeks cos of high cheekbones and i hate it so i dont smile if i can help it...who on earth is chandler??????
June 23rd, 2011
@eholle hahahaha i love chandler and his photo expressions!
@pwallis i want to see that passport photo now! ;)
June 23rd, 2011

i prefer to capture smile when it's natural... when my models or subjects didn't know about it... i crack jokes, have fun time with them, and when they are almost ROFL there i go SNAP SNAP SNAP! after that they're more concern on how do they look on those captured moments, telling me they're not ready and all that.. and i say that's the problem they OVERTHINK! when they're relaxed, it's more natural and beautiful.. AGREE?? :)
June 24th, 2011
@jendee3 until I did the selfies challenge last month I can truly say there isn't a single photo of me in 5 years that I was happy with. They all made me look fat, frumpy and slightly insane. I thought I must be these things as that was all I ever saw.
Discovered through selfies that I'm not, it's the angle the shot was taken at lol. Guess I might have to educate husbeast.
re smile, dont force it. I had to take about 20 shots for

some due to camera being in the wrong place, but many were due to over forced smile. In the end I went with mischevious thoughts, half smile and not putting my finger actually on my lip- that last one (finger) took 19 shots to work out why it looked so peculiar .
June 24th, 2011
Practice in the mirror, practice taking pictures of yourself, think of happy things. I also like portraits when people don't smile, so I feel that smiles aren't always necessary for a good shot. Sometimes when I'm taking pictures of my kids I tell them to quit smiling or don't smile so much. I often over smile too.
June 24th, 2011
I look like I'm sifting for plankton when I try to smile, so most photos of me just show a smirk. I'm no help, sorry.
June 26th, 2011
I was hoping for the answer here because my son has a very fake smile and it drives me crazy :) I need to figure out when I start practicing portraits this summer how to make him actually smile!
June 27th, 2011
@terek55 Making someone else smile is a whole different kettle of fish! Unfortunately, it is usually easier if you are not directly related to them. However, your best bet is to get them in a mood where they actually have trouble not smiling. My kids are young enough that I just have to be silly and they cackle like I'm the funniest person on earth (that, and they naturally smile for the camera anyway, because they have it pointed at them so much it is just normal to them and they love it), but for slightly older kids I find that shock is the key. For young boys, anything gross - a friend of mine picks up leaves and eats them (well, almost eats them), gets them to shout things like "Pooh!" or "Poop!" or "Boogahs!" and then snaps them in the seconds afterwards. With girls, she tends toward saying things that just don't make sense, so that the girls laugh and correct her - like, "That's such a pretty horse!" in reference to their kitten, or she'll place something on her head and then accuse the girl(s) of hiding it. Basically, games keep them smiling, and the more they can correct you for being silly, the more they'll forget you're taking photos.
June 27th, 2011
@jinximages Good ideas! Poop jokes are always funny to matter how old they get right? :) I will try it. Might have to pay them to sit still now that I took the portrait workshop but I will try to get them laughing too! THANKS!
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