Can anyone give me any advice on how to edit 2 Photography's? As I'm really struggling :(

September 27th, 2011

Today I took the children to Bristol Zoo to say Goodbye to the very much LOVED Wow Gorilla's, who's played a very BIG part in our lives over the Summer Holiday's.

I asked this lovely gentleman to take a photo of all of us with them? But sadly it's blurred :( We are all so sad :(

Can anyone give me any advice on how to try and un-blur it? And make the grass all Green instead of Mud :(

I would just LOVE to add this Photo to the wall and the Children's Scrap Books of the Wow Gorilla's!!

Also the next photo! As you can see the ground is so Muddy! With the amount of visitors that came to see them all over the weekend!

I gave it a little touch up on picnic and made it a little brighter! But I wanted to get rid of all the mud and have green grass!

Is there anyway I can hide the Mud? And turn it into Grass!!

I would be so grateful for any help you can offer :)

Thank-You so much

September 27th, 2011
Oh and make me slimmer in the face would be nice ;)
September 27th, 2011
This is another Photo I took of all of them!

I haven't done any editing to this one, i.e croping etc?

But is there a way that I can remove the people? And have Grass instead of Mud!

Thanks once again :)

September 27th, 2011
@bevspics You mean something like this?


of course its never going to be perfect because a blurred picture is a blurred picture but its a lot better :D
September 27th, 2011
to cover up the mud take a brush tool select a similar colour green to the grass and reduce the opacity then paint over simple :)
September 27th, 2011

You can copy/paste this and do even more editing, if you'd like. :-)
September 27th, 2011
@asrai & Dorrena - Thank you for your very helpful tips! Can I do editing like you have suggested on Picnic? Selecting the brush tool and reduce the opacity?

Also do you know how to take out the people in all of the Gorilla's Photo?

Thanks again
September 27th, 2011
You make it sound so easy!
September 27th, 2011
@bevspics I recently bought this book. Since I'm not that familiar with Photoshop but still find myself in similar situations to yours, I thought it might be handy. So far it's helped quite a bit.
September 27th, 2011
@bevspics Well Beverly, I took my best shot :) It would have been much easier with a higher resolution image, but I think this turned out alright :) I can post the image by itself if you like.

September 27th, 2011
@bevspics Here it is by itself.

September 27th, 2011
@laburgett Thanks Leah that's lovely! x
September 27th, 2011
I got this, guys.

September 27th, 2011
@gurry Omg! That look's so scary!
September 27th, 2011
@bevspics Glad you liked it ;3

Looks like everyone else already had this covered!
September 27th, 2011
@gurry Do you know how to remove the people from the Gorilla Photo!

I can't seem to make the grass green with picnic?

I will have to look at downloading some other editing software?
September 27th, 2011
If you click on my picture you will see what I did.
September 28th, 2011
@gurry Hahaha! Awesome.
September 28th, 2011
@bevspics I think you can erase the people in your Gorilla picture by using the clone feature in Picnik. What you'd want to do is highlight an area of the trees and then use that to blot them out. I'm no expert on this stuff and someone might be able to do it better, but I've had some success with that method on flower shots and such. Picnik has instructions in the cloning effect box which can show you exactly what you need to do as far as the size of the "brush" and so on. (I'm looking at the first picture where just the heads are showing)
The other picture with the people standing in front ot the gorillas, the best thing to do is crop them out. I wouldn't know how to erase them.
September 28th, 2011
@bevspics On a serious note, removing the people from the second shot would be pretty difficult because they are covering gorillas. If they were surrounded by trees or grass or any other pattern, they could be clone-stamped out, but as they are in this picture it would be just about impossible... Unless you had more shots of the specific gorillas they are covering. Then maybe you could work something out, but even that would be tough.
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