27th March 2020 by emmadurnford

27th March 2020

Day 4 of lock down.

I had a good catch up with Mum this morning although I interrupted her Pilates and podcast session! She managed a shop at Lidl fairly easily and is having the same challenges that we are in avoiding totally selfish people with no idea of distancing.

After yet more garden shredding by Colin and lunch we attempted a second visit to Bushy Park. This time we walked down the High Street, over to Broad Street with a pause in Holland and barrel who are letting just 2 customers in at a time. I bought essentials for Colin of his oat bran (for digestive reasons) and I also spotted a couple of bags of chocolate raisins for consolation reasons. Some people still haven’t developed the back of walking ‘wide’ to maintain the 2 meters and to be honest its less likely to be the virus that gets us rather than a 281 bus bearing down us us as we step into the road!

We decided to try the Clapperstile Gate near the NPL and these were a lot better than Teddington main gate. There were quite a few people exercising their dogs but everyone here seemed to be keeping their distance. The dogs look so happy to be out and about. We didn’t stay long but we managed around 8,000 footsteps so not so bad. Signs of spring - the lovely violets that somehow manage to squeeze up by the back door through concrete are flowering again and a lovely fat and fluffy bumblebee was exploring flowers in Bushy Park.

This evening my culinary prowess continued as I served a rather good cauliflower cheese with sauce made from scratch and livened up with a few friend pancetta bits. Watching Masterchef at the same time was a little compensation. The cauliflower was a panic buy by Colin from last Friday when he queued at Waitrose at 7.15am. Things seem to have calmed down a bit after the panic buying of last week and most shops seem to be reasonably well stocked.

A total of 759 deaths in the UK (up 181).
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