30th November 2020 by emmadurnford

30th November 2020

Day 26 of lock down 2 (day 257 since the start of the 1st lock down)

My main task of the day was the continued arrangement of next weeks Christmas Social via Zoom. I had an online meeting with Deborah and Paul to discuss the Christmas image part and it is working well despite some teething problems with the mechanics of running the video. Next is to organise a further two meetings with Michael who is running the quiz and Robert who is Master of Ceremonies for the awards part.

I received emails that my calendars have been despatched which is great news, fingers crossed they look as I hoped for and I continued my online shopping for yet more presents. I actually think I am nearly there now. I have ordered paper and some more presents from John Lewis that I shall collect on Wednesday from Twickenham Waitrose.

I needed some things for dinners so I went for a short walk to Sainsbury’s in the evening. It seems that everyone is putting up their decorations earlier this year to bring some Christmas cheer which we definitely could do with. It all looks really pretty and my favourite has to be this rocking polar bear in the window of Mary’s Living and Giving shop - I’d like to take him home!

58,448 PHE total deaths dead in the UK (up 215 today - lower as it is after the weekend)

Since we went into this second lock down there have been over 10,000 deaths specifically attributed to Covid 19. If we had gone into a lock down in September/October as the medical advisors suggested, thousands of lives could have been saved.

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