Ice Fishing  by farmreporter

Ice Fishing

The annual Alexandria Ice Fishing Derby was held today under glorious blue skies and relatively warm temperatures for this time of the year (but there was a nasty wind)
I am always amazed at how many people show up for this event. I really do not see how sitting on a bucket in the middle of a lake dangling a string into a small hole for hours on end can be any fun. But - there were hundreds out there who would disagree!!
And since today was my first day of freedom from taxes I was happy to grab camera to record the event.
I totally agree with you! Not my idea of fun! I have one son who would love that!

Great fishing portrait of this man. Nice splash of red in all of that cold!
February 17th, 2019  
Yes - it was his bright clothing (and stunning white mustache and beard) that made me ask if I could take his photo. Everyone else were wearing drab colours.
February 17th, 2019  
Another great winter shot
February 17th, 2019  
A fabulous shot, it sure is a very busy and popular place.
February 17th, 2019  
And there's so many there :)
February 17th, 2019  
Oh my gosh!! Is this Alexandria, Ontario?! Do you live nearby?
February 17th, 2019  
Yes - it is Alexandria, Ontario. Do you know people in my area?
February 17th, 2019  
@farmreporter my daughter and her family lives in Moose Creek!! My son-in-law works in Alexandria!! What a small world hey! I was in Alexandria very briefly last year when we visited 😄
February 17th, 2019  
Great photo by the way, I will have to check this out the next time we are there in the winter.
February 17th, 2019  
Yes - indeed it is a small world! Moose Creek is so close by! And Alexandria is such a small place that I just may have bumped into one of them and not known it.
February 17th, 2019  
@farmreporter That's very possible! He works at the aged care home. He might even know your children because he grew up in Moose Creek.
February 17th, 2019  
Very cool!
February 17th, 2019  
Great shot!
February 17th, 2019  
Wonderful capture.
February 17th, 2019  
Nice capture. I don't think that would be how I would want to spend my day. The camera was a better idea.
February 17th, 2019  
Great shot, it looks a very busy event!
February 17th, 2019  
I love this guy's mustache and beard. He's got a cheerful red suit on, too. Great capture.
February 18th, 2019  
great pop of red - interesting to see this in action - it's supposed to be meditative
February 20th, 2019  
Ah, my mistake! My SIL works in Casselman, not Alexandria... sorry! There are so many tiny towns there!
February 21st, 2019  
Great shot
Probably wouldn’t see this in New Zealand!
February 22nd, 2019  
We all have our own ways of enjoying ourselves.... but I wouldn't choose this, so I agree with you! It makes for a good shot though!
February 22nd, 2019  
My toes would be frozen! Wonderful candid capture.
February 24th, 2019  
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