Watch Crew by gaylewood

Watch Crew

Every time I turn around, my little people friends are trying to help out in some way . . . today I found these two busy polishing my husband's watch. They're such wonderful helpers! :-)

The watch did remind me that tomorrow, March 18th, at 5:47pm in your time zone is World Wide Minute 2018. If you're interested, here's the link to the information from Melissa:

2018 Photo Journal, Day 76
This is such a cute shot! I could use them to help me out with some projects here! LOL!
March 18th, 2018  
That is a great shot! Thanks for the tip on tomorrow’s world wide minute. I’m in
March 18th, 2018  
Maybe your little people could come and do my windows! Lovely imaginative capture Gayle. :-)
March 18th, 2018  
They are very helpful. Very imaginative set up.
March 18th, 2018  
March 18th, 2018  
This is really neat ! Perfect little helpers to clean that watch.
March 18th, 2018  
Very clever. I could do with some little helpers at my house.

I forgot all about the WWM until it was too late.
March 18th, 2018  
Nice little scene!
March 18th, 2018  
Haha cute
March 18th, 2018  
Clever, Gayle! I love your little people, what fun! I have my phone alarms set and will take a photo!
March 18th, 2018  
Such great helpers. Great composition. May I ask, where did you get your little people helpers.
March 18th, 2018  
Lovely & clever shot!
March 18th, 2018  
Your little people are so industrious. Great set up :)
March 18th, 2018  
They've done a good job on the spectacles too:)
March 18th, 2018  
Love you little people, great little helpers, cheap labour by the looks too :))
March 18th, 2018  
You're so creative with your little people! Clever shot
March 18th, 2018  
Such wonderful helpers! Adorable image:)
March 18th, 2018  
Clever shot.
March 18th, 2018  
What a great helpers! I'd like some! And what a great reminder - I see if I can participate...
March 18th, 2018  
Clever shot
March 18th, 2018  
I wish I had got round to commenting yesterday, then I might have taken note of the world wide minute day. Your mini men are up to great things again. That watch has quite a shine to it.
March 18th, 2018  
They've done an excellent job of cleaning it up.
March 18th, 2018  
Great pov...loved the composition!
March 19th, 2018  
@henrir Thanks so much for your comment, Henri! I just sent you an email message with information about where I got my "little people" helpers. :-)
March 19th, 2018  
As usual!! Super duper creative!! They're doing a great job and such a nice watch!
March 20th, 2018  
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