Selfie at the hairdressers by happypat

Selfie at the hairdressers

Every year I admire the Virginia Creeper making its way along the top of this wall.
I can see it from my chair as I wait to have my hair cut so I incorporated a selfie by taking a photo through the mirror.
The local doctors house!

Would have been nicer without the car there but I didn't think I could ask the other customer to move it!!

Thank you all for your lovely caring comments on yesterday's post. A very hard time for Keith's family but I'm sure they would be grateful for your kindness.

Three good things:
1. Hair out of my eyes.
2. Half a leg of lamb in the oven.
3. Recycling.
Not sure if the woman in the shadows or the Virginia Creeper is more beautiful. Nice one! I too hate having my bangs scratch my eyeballs
September 22nd, 2015  
Great selfie!!
September 22nd, 2015  
Waaaw ! can I come for tea - LOL -I love lamb ( but I do not have leg of lamb mid week !! ) Clever selfie lovelto see the Virginia creepers I can see the one in the garden over the drive from my bedroom window . As for hairdressers I am having a trim tomorrow morning -- and I shall be glad to get the hair out of my eyes !!
September 22nd, 2015  
A super selfie
September 22nd, 2015  
Great selfie.
September 22nd, 2015  
@jgpittenger Ah thank you are a tonic!
September 22nd, 2015  
@pamknowler Thanks Pam...luckily you can't see me very clearly ha ha!
September 22nd, 2015  
@beryl Well Beryl the lamb was a bit of a disappointment....bit too much fat on fir my liking but it's all gone.
We had lamb today because we have been eating left overs for the last few days & I don't seem to have cooked a proper meal for days. Funny how a trim takes years off you!
September 22nd, 2015  
@carolmw @gijsje Thank you Carol & Bep, not very original & I did go to the window & take this creeper properly without the car but thought the selfie was a bit more interesting!
September 22nd, 2015  
Creative shot. Viginia is lovely. Mum had it growing over her fence
Its great to gave a pamper and goss at the hairdressers.
September 22nd, 2015  
A very pretty view from your hair dressers , A good way to use the time whilst waiting Pat
September 22nd, 2015  
Thanks for sharing, The 2 girls usually takes before and after photos. One in South Africa and the other one in the UK. Great selfie!
September 22nd, 2015  
Very creative selfie
September 22nd, 2015  
Great view indeed... both inside and out! Glad to see you are still finding good things every day. Today I was at work and asked 'how are you always so cheerful and positive?' I grinned and said 'drugs!' though really I was thinking life's too short to always be miserable in the staff room...........!! :)
September 22nd, 2015  
Good setting on your camera to get that bright outside and still see your face with hair in eyes! I always cut my fringe myself when I get to the stage i can't see! Lamb is so expensive here, I never buy it - a leg would cost about $25! Hey I love what @filsie65 said!
September 22nd, 2015  
@filsie65 You are so right...we have been to two funerals in six days & booth before their glad that we are alive! Thanks Phil.
September 22nd, 2015  
@maggiemae That doesn't make sense when you arena sheep country....lamb is dear here too for some reason but the price if lamb is down in the market. This was only a small piece of lamb just enough for two! Not as good a cut as I had hoped in fact but tasty!
September 22nd, 2015  
Your "Good things" are always sooooooooo good!!!!
September 23rd, 2015  
I don't think I have ever taken my camera with me to the hairdressers. Very brave of you.
September 23rd, 2015  
A lovely image and cleverly done!
September 23rd, 2015  
Very clever Pat and you've reminded me there is a Virginia Creeper I'm after!
September 23rd, 2015  
Nice selfie and a clever shot. I need my fringe cutting too at the moment, but daren't attempt it myself as I always cut it crooked and my hairdresser has to tidy up my mistakes.
September 23rd, 2015  
Nice one, Pat!! Must be that time of year - I'm off to the hairdresser's on Sat!!!!
September 23rd, 2015  
Good chance for a selfie! I tried a new hairdresser last month and was cut so short I'll have to wait at least another six months before I even start looking for a new salon. Sigh!
September 23rd, 2015  
you look deep in concentration Pat, do you always have the 'concentrated look' when clicking :)
September 23rd, 2015  
Clever shot. Well done.
September 24th, 2015  
Clever selfie....and fun shot.
September 25th, 2015  
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