Back to school soon! by happypat

Back to school soon!

I went into the Clarks shoe shop this morning & couldn't believe the queue for children's shoes, they even had extra chairs out so they could sit down while queueing!
It's been pouring down again today so we've lots of floods on the roads.
The River Wyre has burst its banks again & people in Churchtown have had to be evacuated again. They have only been back in thief homes a few weeks. One couple with the man in a wheelchair who have been living in a caravan are flooded again! Heartbreaking.

Three good things:
1. Took Jack to the train station this morning so popped into M&S for some food bits & bobs to take with us to Hawkshead tomorrow & I saw some jeans I've been watching out for for ages in my size.
2. Good sunny warm weather forecast for the rest of the week.
3. There's someone coming to pick up the Hoover at five. It keeps cutting out although Harry has cleaned every filter & pipe he can find!
It is a busy spot - with bare shelves to prove!
Well captured!
August 22nd, 2016  
Nice shot. Pouring rain here too.
August 22nd, 2016  
@farmreporter Wendy that's how they display the shoes here, all new ladies stock there you can see on the right. You look at the shoe & if you want to try the assistant brings you the right size!
August 22nd, 2016  
@farmreporter Plus the children's shoes at the far end!
August 22nd, 2016  
I remember those days only too well. No rain here today just very windy and the odd shower.
August 22nd, 2016  
Oh yes, I have this to come in the next week. It's a grim job getting ready for school and the shoes are my least favourite thing to get. Great to find things you actually want in a sale.
August 22nd, 2016  
Wow... busy place. WE have a couple of weeks left here but we need to hit the stores soon.
August 22nd, 2016  
I remember those days, although rather a long time ago
August 22nd, 2016  
Oh my gosh! My daughter is about to do that trip this week, she needs to get to the shops early then!
August 22nd, 2016  
Clarks must have been going for decades. I remember wearing Clarks shoes at school a long, long time ago! There was even a kind of Xray machine to check they fitted!
August 22nd, 2016  
Ooh my goodness -- everyone leaving it till the last minute in case the little feet will grow out of them before term starts !! Clarks has been going on for ages -- I also had Clarks shoes for school when I was a child !
August 22nd, 2016  
@beryl So did I Berly & we had some sort of weird machine that took photos of you feet when you stood on it. Yes I think that's why they leave it til the last minute, feet can grow so quickly!
August 22nd, 2016  
@jmj Oh funny Jennifer I wrote the reply to Beryl before I read your comment! That dates us all doesn't it?
August 22nd, 2016  
And that's why I bought mine in the second week of the holidays!! They can't possibly grow that much in a few weeks that it will change their shoe size! I can't cope with the stress. We went in and out and had shop to ourselves.
August 22nd, 2016  
They use iPads these days to measure them!!
August 22nd, 2016  
@newbank sensibly you Ruth, I was shocked at the queue on a Monday morning in the pouring rain! iPads!! You would get the best choice too, makes sense!
August 22nd, 2016  
Thanks for sharing this. I love to see your shops inside.
August 22nd, 2016  
@happypat I was traumatised by my second ever trip to Clarks with a one year old Sammy...... We waited a whole hour to get shoes ( which he really needed) in a small, hot, busy was traumatic. Since then I have always kicked them out of bed and got to the Clarks shop when it opens at 9am to never ever repeat that experience again!!
August 22nd, 2016  
@newbank You live & learn!!
August 22nd, 2016  
Great shot! Saw there had been flooding in north of England on the BBC news tonight. Meanwhile we are having rather nice weather....for a change. One of my neighbours (a farmer) told me we'd had 8 times more rain than usual since June!!! So we are enjoying it and the farmers are happy.
August 22nd, 2016  
@sdutoit I think the way the shoes are set out are different to some shops perhaps, I only went in to look at boots which I love but daren't buy anymore as I have plenty of boots!
August 22nd, 2016  
LOL! You sure captured the time of year. I remember ever so well
August 22nd, 2016  
Cool shot! Guess the time of year!
August 22nd, 2016  
I feel sorry for you with all that rain. Just wish you could send some of it down here. We had just a little last night and hardly any on Friday when it was supposed to pour down all day. The garden is bone dry - like a rock in places, and I've been trying to do some gardening today!
August 22nd, 2016  
@busylady and hotter too over the next few days I see Judith! We grumble about rain but it is needed so badly so should be thankful. Except if you're flooded again that is!
August 22nd, 2016  
trying to think if this Lancaster or kendal?
August 22nd, 2016  
You always know that the summer holidays are ending when you have to go out and buy your new Clarks shoes.
August 22nd, 2016  
some might say about time PAt !!!!
August 22nd, 2016  
Loving all the comments and the memories of years past. I wish they still had those machines that showed how the shoes fit.
August 23rd, 2016  
Thoughts and prayers out to the flood victims there. Lots of states over in the US are flooded too.
August 23rd, 2016  
@sailingmusic What's happening to the world Myrna?
August 23rd, 2016  
@pinkpaintpot Its Preston Linda!
August 23rd, 2016  
@jmj yes I remember the xray machines too Jennifer. I used to love looking at my feet. hope they didnt do us any harm
August 23rd, 2016  
I always loved getting new school shoes and they were usually Clarkes
August 23rd, 2016  
LOL everyone waited for the last minute.
August 23rd, 2016  
August 24th, 2016  
I think your hoover has bad connections and its not Harry! Good to see customers in a shoe shop!
August 27th, 2016  
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