Party girl by happypat

Party girl

A grown up soft toy, costs over £44 so a girl not to be trifled with!
Big & soft & very pretty she is a stunner!

A virtual party here too as today I start my 8th year on 365.

Three good things:
1. All my friends & followers on this encourage & support always, vital when we are flagging!
2. Our twin grandchildren in NZ are 25 today, we are very proud of both of them & the way they have built a successful life for themselves in a new country. Happy Birthday William & Alexandra. XX
3. Interesting chat with a B&B who is staying this week, she lives in Nigeria where her husband works for Shell Oil. She comes lots to visit her son who is in school nearby.
Pretty flamingo, a cute capture
February 5th, 2018  
Congrats on your 8th!! I love flamingos.
February 5th, 2018  
Oh my! Eight years! Congratulations Pat, how wonderful, there’s no place nicer than 365, truly genuine, great people! When I see a pink long legged bird I always think of flamingoes. This pink ostrich is so fun!
February 5th, 2018  
Gosh , Pat . I just thought you had succumbed to buying a big pink bird ! -- Congrats on completing 7 years on 365 -- good luck as we continue our friendship , banter and photos on your year 8 . xx
February 5th, 2018  
@carolmw Ah thanks Carol , thought it was an ostrich! I was so busy taking its photo I didn't think what species it was!
February 5th, 2018  
@cdonohoue Thank you Cathy, isn't she pretty?
February 5th, 2018  
@louannwarren I agree Lou Ann thank you, nothing like 365!
February 5th, 2018  
@beryl if I had plenty of money I would have bought another one I think that's an ostrich, might show you that one tomorrow! I have never been a soft toy person but he is serouiosly cool! Not as good a photo though that's why I used this one.
February 5th, 2018  
@beryl Forgot to say thank you for your friendship & banter Beryl, I love it! More important than the photos to me!
February 5th, 2018  
Very cute!
February 5th, 2018  
lovely toy... adore the balletr skirt.. ha ha Martha would love that. congratulations on your 8th year! proud of you.. so well done.. xx
February 5th, 2018  
@brennieb Thank you sort of gets hold of you this 365 £& im proud of you for deciding to join us on the spur of the messing just straight in!
February 5th, 2018  
@kwind b thank you Kim.
February 5th, 2018  
Congratulation. Goodness 8 years? But isnt this community just the bee's knees? Life is good.
February 5th, 2018  
WOW, that's quite a lady!! And quite a price!!
Fancy these twins being 25....but Susannah is 26 and was 2 when we first visited you and the twins were just babies and that's the way the world goes by!! They have done well - hope you see them before too long!
February 5th, 2018  
@sarah19 wow is it all that long ago Sallie, all in pink T-shirts they were too! Yes will be seeing then this year. Hopefully Will is visiting this year & hopefully see Alex when I'm over in May.
February 5th, 2018  
@motherjane you bet Jane, I love it!
February 5th, 2018  
@happypat Time flies! Glad you have plans to go over again! Is Harry going too?
February 5th, 2018  
@sarah19 not this year, he is due to go but younger ones came out last summer, plus we want to go via Japan next year to see Jack. Cat still alive too! He's happy to stay at home but will be more than ready by next year. Will be better going in May as although it's not as nice weather in NZ Harry will be mowing lawns & bowling so not as long day's on his own.
February 5th, 2018  
Happy 8th '365 birthday'! Doesn't time fly when you're having fun.
This pink confection certainly looks ready to party - I know a few girls who would love her!
February 5th, 2018  
Congrats on completing year 7! Love that party girl.
February 5th, 2018  
Adorable flamingo! Congrats on year 8!!
February 5th, 2018  
Great colours
February 5th, 2018  
Well done on 7 years Pat, you started 1 week after me :)
February 5th, 2018  
8th year! You go gal. And dance with the doll!
February 6th, 2018  
Wow Pat - you’re an inspiration to us all! Well done. I always enjoy your images and often chuckle over your 3 good things.
February 6th, 2018  
cute toy, love it! Happy 8 years! 🎉💐
February 6th, 2018  
Well what's not to like? 25 eh! You don't seem old enough Pat!
February 6th, 2018  
Congratulations Pat. Love your party girl
February 6th, 2018  
Wow 8 years. What an achievement.
Love this shot, she could be a girlfriend for Rod Hull's Emu.
February 6th, 2018  
congratulations Pat. I so enjoy your pics and stories. I am very partial to soft toys and have to strongly resist them. Maybe its because when I was little the teddies all had such hard stuffing.
February 6th, 2018  
It's hard to resist a flamingo in a tutu - but at that price I think I might manage it!
February 6th, 2018  
Wow 8 years... wonder if you are the longest continuous member.. congrats.. and Happy birthday to Alex & Will.. cute flamingo..
February 6th, 2018  
Congrats on doing 8 years! Wow!
this is a fun shot.
February 7th, 2018  
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