Round the corner.... by happypat

Round the corner....

Just a nice part of our village, the best end!

I’ve had a busy day today...nothing special just changing B&B beds etc. The washing out on the line, all dried too & generally tidying up but it all takes time.

Three good things:
1. I have put the new duvet on our bed, I’m expecting Harry to say something....he doesn’t like change!! 😟
2. Lovely blue sky showing lots of vapor trails...thinking of all passengers on their way to lovely destinations.
3. My sore back & stiff neck is slightly better today.
you need to go sledging...cures all the pains as you get new ones!
January 17th, 2019  
Looks like a lovely village.. sounds like a busy day.. FG sounds like Harry.. I like changing the Duvet often and he always says ' what was wrong with the other one'.. hehe... change is as good as a rest...
January 17th, 2019  
Lovely village shot. Your day sounds like mine was yesterday - and shall be again today - lots of visitors and cabin guests = lots of beds to make and laundry to do. Juggling space on the clothesline all day - Sigh!
January 17th, 2019  
I need to visit Pat...i have,washed loads today. Been lovely and sunny for a change.
January 17th, 2019  
@huvesaker I think I’ll stick to Deep Heat Boo Thanks!
January 17th, 2019  
@julzmaioro I regretted telling him I had changed the old for the new Julz, he might not have noticed but now he might imagine...& could be right...that it’s hotter, heavier, slippy etc etc we shall see! Those two get more & more like each other!
January 17th, 2019  
@kiwinanna Have to think of the money Liana.....although i do like doing b&b! My washing line was full today but my word it was hard hanging out....freezing hands but they dried!
January 17th, 2019  
@brennieb Yes but cold hands doing the hanging out. I wore my fingerless gloves, they did help! Come & stay sometime, you girls could do Blackpool!!
January 17th, 2019  
Everything in this picture is so attractive - the buildings, the stone hedges, the clean road and the tall trees! Do all men dislike change!
January 17th, 2019  
What a lovely image of your village. You are dedicated to get your washing hung outside despite the cold. Hopefully the duvet was nice to sleep under.
January 17th, 2019  
@maggiemae I think they might maggie, it seems so in my opinion! Just around the corner here is my hairdressers & the little supermarket.
January 17th, 2019  
@dide We haven’t tried it yet Dianne, that’s tonights excitement! Or not!!!!
January 17th, 2019  
A lovely village where you live. Beautiful stone walls.
January 17th, 2019  
A lovely clean and tidy view of the village road and its beautiful stone walls !
January 17th, 2019  
January 17th, 2019  
@happypat I think they are Brothers from a different Mother .. lol...
January 17th, 2019  
@julzmaioro 🤣🤣🤣
January 17th, 2019  
Lovely live in such a lovely part of the country!
I'm laughing at all the comments on here reading duvet changes!! Glad you had your fingerless gloves on. I LOVE mine. But washing outdoors isnt on my agenda just yet. Hope new duvet enjoyed by both of you!! XX XX
January 17th, 2019  
Lovely street!
January 18th, 2019  
Nicely captured sense of place.
January 18th, 2019  
Lovely village scene.

You shouldn't have told Harry about the duvet ha ha. If he never knew he wouldn't have noticed any difference.

David doesn't like bread that has been in the freezer, he says it tastes different, so when I gave him bread one day that had been frozen I asked him if it was okay and he said it was lovely. ha ha. Didn't tell him it had been frozen.

January 18th, 2019  
Ha ha, you're going to laugh. I read that as 'I put a new duvet COVER on the bed'. And Harry's not going to like long's it been there!!? 😉
January 18th, 2019  
@boxplayer oh my word Ayla, I am not quite that bad.....I do hate putting duvets covers on but it has to be done!! Lots of times in this house! What a great advert for B&B .....I do occasionally change the duvet cover!!
January 18th, 2019  
@onewing aren’t men funny, the more I read the more I realise they are all alike! NSW just been on the news here showing how hot it is...take care Babs....don’t be a mad Englishman & go out in the midday sun!!
January 18th, 2019  
@beryl you know I never noticed the stone walls.....
January 18th, 2019  
@happypat I haven't been out since Monday ha ha well not in daylight hours. Today is our hottest day so far this week and it is still hot this evening. I have drunk so much water i am nearly drowning from the inside.
January 18th, 2019  
@sarah19 I have a drier but only use it to fluff up the towels! It’s old & inefficient, I’m sure the new ones are wonderful & cost effective. Certainly only two of us ever hang washing out down here, I manage to get all mine dry outside or on the Aga overnight.
January 18th, 2019  
Glad your back and neck are easing. The big question is.......did he notice???
January 18th, 2019  
Love those curves
January 19th, 2019  
A nice scene
January 20th, 2019  
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