London Spirits dampened as Rain Stopped Play by helenhall

London Spirits dampened as Rain Stopped Play

When my husband retired earlier this year he was gifted a tour of Lord's Cricket ground and I was happy to accompany him. We planned a day in London which included theatre tickets to see Grenfell. A sobering (and excellent) play of first hand accounts of the Grenfell tower block fire which killed 72 people in 2017.

I decided not to take my camera on this occasion. The tour was interesting but we were herded around to order and with considerable discipline - it would have been frustrating if you were there for the purpose of getting some good and well considered images.

I took this phone shot into photoshop and did my best with it. It is taken in the visitors changing room where they had not yet cleared up from the night before. Lords is the home of Middlesex Cricket Club and it would seem that on the night before, rain had stopped play. London Spirits were the visiting team.

Technical details - in photoshop I practiced a black and white conversion using LAB mode. My notes from the tutorial made no sense so I had to go online and find an alternative set of instructions which worked a treat. I've added some grain which apparently serves to make an image look sharp, and I've added a curves adjustment layer. If I hadn't taken so long over this I might go back and try a black and white conversion another way just to see the difference. Heck, this retirement business just doesn't leave enough hours in the day.
An attractive image that really tells a story. Your black and white conversion has given great contrast. It really shows up the material folds. Like what you said about being busy in retirement!!
August 12th, 2023  
Great b&w capture. Sometimes leaving the camera on is the best option. Fortunately, phones have good cameras.
August 12th, 2023  
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