365.224 by irishmamacita10



The time is coming near when Garrett will be returning back to his dorm for another year of school. I am hoping the transition will be easier this time for the tender hearts that will remain behind (my own included). Last year, there were many tears shed and many souls to comfort as they adjusted to life at home without their brother.

He landed a job working 38-40 hours a week this summer, so, it was a rare occasion to spot him during waking hours. But, when we did see him, he did cool things like chase squealing babies, pull all nighters in the family room (who cares if they all fell asleep instead of watching the intended movie??), letting them all in to his bedroom to join in on the PS3 fun, and running to the store for sugar and oil when I was trying to defeat approximately 157 zucchinis with my bread pans and the oven. And, last but not least, being chauffeur and company to the movie theater to see movies such as, Thor, X-Men, Green Lantern, and this afternoon's Captain America.

I know he is looking up at the big screen with reflections of made up heroes in his eyes. But I also know that looking up at him are eyes that, in their own right, reflect a real life one. One we call "College Boy".

(The front of College Boy's shirt as he left to go see today's movie of choice.)
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