Emotion and water by jacqbb

Emotion and water

For both the Dogwood and the Picture of Me challenge.
It is a composite.
The emotion is pouting, my father asked me to pose and it was raining not my favorite type of weather.
The pom challenge was something with water.
Prachtig, kind zijn :-)
November 24th, 2019  
Fabulous image and a great composite.
November 24th, 2019  
A wonderful recollection.
November 24th, 2019  
Look at you! Ha!
November 24th, 2019  
I love the pointing stick
November 25th, 2019  
What a great memory you must have of this photo
November 25th, 2019  
This is so cool - such fun to see a young Jacqueline! Even if she is pouting..... :)
November 25th, 2019  
LOL! Great photo, I can understand why you were pouting!
November 25th, 2019  
@madeinnl @casablanca @robz @onewing @francoise @louannwarren @peadar @ludwigsdiana @overalvandaan Thank you all so much for your great comments, fav’s and for bringing this to the TP and the PP. All are very much appreciated.
November 26th, 2019  
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