Help!!! by jgpittenger


I've seen so many fabulous water drop shots here and decided it was time to try it. What a miserable failure. How does one do it? I can't even get the drop shape right. Please advise
January 29th, 2013  
Very nice
January 29th, 2013  
Hi Jane, I think I can help out. I haven't nailed on of these yet, but I've failed lots.

One thing I've learned is that you can't have enough light. Set your flash to 100% (or more), and then get it much closer to the subject. Light falls off exponentially, so you benefit likewise when you get closer.

Use a fast shutter speed (think 1000th of a second), and fire the flash directly horizontal/perpendicular to your camera angle.

Hope this helps, keep me in the loop, is like to see your results.
January 29th, 2013  
@cameronknowlton Thanks so much. I'll try again tomorrow...too frustrated in the moment. How do you do the drops? Pour? Eye dropper?
January 29th, 2013  
Never tried it, so maybe I can learn from the comments you get.
January 29th, 2013  
Oh! You do make me laugh...The trick is really shallow an upturned plate or tray
January 29th, 2013  
I watched a video recently where the guy had a zip lock baggie filled with water. Put a small pinhole in it and the water drops out uniformly and evenly, so you can then work on focus and timing.

White background to bounce the flash off.
January 29th, 2013  
i tried a bit too, its really tricky with the light and water tray, everything. still a nice shot!
January 29th, 2013  
See my first attempt (todays shot) . Not perfect but has a description of how I did it in the description.
January 29th, 2013  
mooie timing goede foto
January 29th, 2013  
@brav Thanks. Just read your advice and will try again
January 29th, 2013  
Hehe that makes me feel better about my attempt now if even you struggled. I had a shallow oven dish with a covering of water over the bottom (I think your water may be too deep in your bowl). I had a piece of white card set behind it with a lamp shining on it (think an external flash is better but I don't have one) and a plastic food bag with water in suspended with pegs from my ironing board above it! Then I poked a tiny hole in the bag and started shooting with a high speed and about 3 zillion shots later, I got a rubbish kind of crown but a great Mickey Mouse. LOL! I've been told food colouring in the water helps too. By the way, as you know, I'm no expert, but that was my set up. Good luck!
January 29th, 2013  
Hey at least you tried, I haven't even attempted
January 29th, 2013  
Never tried it,so can't criticise!! At least you made an attempt!
January 29th, 2013  
This is my personal cookbook starting point:
Camera on tripod
Off camera flash
Manual focused to center of the dish
f/16 or so for a deep depth of field
If possible set flash synch speed higher
Fill bowl almost to the top to minimize the rim
use a shutter release if possible
Concentrate on consistency and make minute changes -- how you drop the liquid-- height, force, size of drops-- distance of flash --- distance of camera -- focus of camera --- reflection of flash -- background color and texture
No need to push ISO because you will have plenty of light from the flash.
Once you get the focus, lighting, field of view consistent
Play/experiment with your timing coordination or rhythm --- drop release/shutter release, drop release/shutter release, etc, etc, etc. You will end up with many mind blowing shots to chose from.
Also, try a syringe or eye dropper to control the drop.
Good luck and have fun.

January 29th, 2013  
Also, try liquids of varying colors and viscosities-- but, don't starting mixing liquids until your set is rock solid consistent because after 10 or fewer drops a mixture will usually get murky. Have lots of rags on hand to soak up the mess.
January 29th, 2013  
thanks, @jonfrank.
January 29th, 2013  
@cameronknowlton @jonfrank @jesperani Thanks to all of you. I'll try again soon, maybe later today
January 29th, 2013  
Looks fine to me!
January 30th, 2013  
I spent a couple hours this morning doing this. What Jon says sounds right. A lot of patience should also be added. Good luck, Jane. It is fun.
January 30th, 2013  
I last did this about a year ago - you've reminded me I must try it again. I remember my son being very bored as he helped me by taking charge of the dropper! You can get different effects with a clear bowl and different colours underneath - I used foil too.- that was effective.
February 1st, 2013  
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