I should have had my shutter speed a bit faster to get him in perfect focus but I was still tickled to catch a bee in flight.
Thanks so much for your visits, comments, suggestions, favs. I try to respond by checking out your photos rather than thanking you individually
Superb detail and thanks for the follow. I looked at your Alexis Birkill collection of PP photos. Does he have a collection for everyone? If so how would I find mine?
@busylady I don't think Alexis is around any more but you might try using the same link as mine and substitute your user name and see if it works. I'm amazed to se that my link still works after all this time
Lovely detail and pov in this. I stopped thanking people individually long ago. It just wasn't possible both to do that and to comment on their posts, and the latter seemed, and still seems, more important.