Night Sky As We Walked Back To the Campground by jgpittenger

Night Sky As We Walked Back To the Campground

Best on black. As we were hauling my gear back to the campground, we passed through a meadow with a full 360 degree view of the stars. I called to Jim to stop and turn off our headlamps and we both stood in awe for a long time. Then Jim asked if I wanted to photograph some more. What a guy! Of course I did so I got my gear set up again. By now the sky was almost black.
Thanks for your visits, comments, suggestions, favs
August 9th, 2018  
Wonderful. Love everything about it, fav
August 9th, 2018  
August 9th, 2018  
Fab fav
August 9th, 2018  
August 9th, 2018  
Amazing Jane, a wonderful world!
August 9th, 2018  
A great shot of the milky way!
August 9th, 2018  
Stunning fav
August 9th, 2018  
How spectacular, incredible sight.
August 10th, 2018  
August 10th, 2018  
Excellent, Fav!
August 10th, 2018  
How many time can I fav this! Fantastic on black - can't imagine what it was like the stand there under those beautiful stars. Incredible. FAV
August 10th, 2018  
Wow, an amazing capture.
August 10th, 2018  
August 10th, 2018  
Yummy ....such a delicious image!!
August 10th, 2018  
August 10th, 2018  
Stunning, so many stars, awesome
August 11th, 2018  
So many stars! stunning photo and thank you for sharing....fav
August 11th, 2018  
Fabulous shot...Fav
August 11th, 2018  
Wow. Really powerful.
August 11th, 2018  
Breathtaking view and capture
August 13th, 2018  
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