I'm not sure what animal this is...maybe a seal? We've been choosing hikes by their ease of walking d/t my back being messed up again and saw this swimming in the river pretty far away. His snout almost looks like a pig but he has a long body and tail. Any guesses? I bet he’s a river otter...not curious like a seal
Has anyone ever had a lens fall OFF their camera before. Mine did as we were walking along and fell onto the pavement. Yikes was I ever freaked out. What an eerie sound. It seems to still work...my favorite 100-400 mm lens.
Thanks for your visits, comments, suggestions, favs. So sorry to be behind in commenting
Nice lighting. I believe it might be a sea lion... The ones in Portland Harbor look just like that... but it could be a seal. I would put money against an otter but that is just my opinion.
I'm leaning toward river otter, but those are not something that I see down here. :-) Never had a lens fall off, and sure hope it doesn't happen. That would definitely have been a scary moment. Hope it keeps working.