The day we went on a wildlife snow coach tour, the driver made a joke about having a three dog day. That's a day in which you see coyotes, wolves, and red foxes. We saw wolves and coyotes on the tour but no fox. Later in the day, Jim and I were taking a hike on the terraces above Mammoth and I was just carrying my 24-120 mm lens. I saw way in the distance just coming into the light something moving. It was the third dog! I was ecstatic, but then I realized how far away it was for such a short lens. At least I got a shot of an animal I've never photographed before.
Thanks for accompanying me on my Yellowstone trip.
So exciting to see him!! That always happens to me when I have my wide angle lens on I see something fabulous in the distance!! Sometimes you just have to forget the camera and watch!!
You can see how small this fox looks, he's just plodding along with no idea he us being photographed
. Looking tired but it would be such a thrill to see, your three dogs done & dusted!
Love the light on that fox, it positively glows. Interesting about the three dog day saying, in (old) Australian slang a three-dog night meant it was extremely cold and the drover needed three dogs to keep warm in his swag.
As Margo mentioned, this is extra nice against black. Love the light hitting him. You can tell there's no concern to him about people being around. I have so enjoyed your pictures, Jane.
. Looking tired but it would be such a thrill to see, your three dogs done & dusted!