My gf that I ate out with before Christmas gave me this little guy. She made him and several other similar ones to give as gifts to her friends. Isn't he sweet. He's checking out my Amaryllis which is something I grow ever winter. Took me a while this year to find one. So I am a little behind.
I've decided that snowmen are nicer indoors than out! I may have killed my amaryllis plants; usually I manage to winter them in the basement, but they are outside on the porch. whatever I do is totally haphazard as I can never remember when to let them go dormant, how long to let them stay alive. Last year they all bloomed in July. I think I might have been a bit off in the timing... Oh and, I like the picture.
@francoise I keep it simple - I buy a new one each year and when it dies oh well, to the trash. How cold am I? Just no green thumb but I can grow these things.
Presents that friends invest part of themselves in always have so much more emotional value than those obtained by 'flexing the plastic' - this is sweet Joan, you must be rather touched that you have such a caring friend.