I feel like a child with a bag of candy to share when I find new places to shot on a photo ride. Such was the case when I went out Saturday and decided to turn down by the Newfield Museum. It used to be called Willowbrook not sure why they change but have to admit it is a better looking place.
@vignouse An outdoor museum with old buildings, the reenactment set up posted on the 7th, and lots of old stuff. I went there with my sister when it was called Willowbrook. Thinking of taking the camera club when it gets cooler.
Did you see the question I asked you on your July 6th post.
@joansmor Yes Joan... and I answered straightaway! I still think you should save your cents a bit longer and buy a compact with a 1" sensor - either a Canon Poweshot G5X or something from the Sony RX100 range - the 1 2/3 sensor in the Lumix is tiny... not much bigger than a match head. I think the honeymoon would soon be over.
@vignouse Not sure why I didn't get notified of your answers - sorry. I looked at the Powershot but they don's seem to take RAW pictures but I have been looking at so many I am way confused. Just wanted something to take when I walk. Maybe I just save my money and get a new cellphone with a descent camera.
@joansmor There are several cameras in the Powershot range but the top end G5X and G7X certainly support raw shooting. They've just brought out new models so you might be able to pick up the previous model at a discount.
Did you see the question I asked you on your July 6th post.