Ashley @shesnapped gave me a get pushed challenge to learn about and show some examples of the physics of light. This is a huge area and I have only just brushed the surface. I will continue to explore this, mainly because it is so much fun.
My light source was a small LED penlight. The light is at about a 45 degree angle from the set of prisms point slightly up - I think about a 15 degree elevation. My exposure time was 10 sec @f11. If you look towards the right lower corner of the tallest prism you can just see the light being separated into its various colors of the visible portion of the spectrum. I don't think that my light source was strong enough to achieve a good strong separation. We haven't had much sun lately so I will repeat this set up outside when we do.
This challenge has been marvelous and opened up me to learning and experimenting with light.
@shesnapped Here is my second try for a physics of light exploration. There is so much more that I want to learn and will - Thank you so much for the challenge.
It reminds me of the physics lessons at school - & having to write out observations on the experiment- oh & measure the angles too. That was a long time ago.
@izzyromilly Thank you very much, I am going to play more with these prisms. @deborah63 A fun way to play and learn more. @megpicatilly Thank you, tried a couple of different lights but I had the most fun with the pen light. @paulmann So glad that I only had to 'demonstrate' rather than explain and defend my findings. @taffy Thank you, I thought to try a black background but it wasn't working so I grabbed my white sheet.
@shesnapped Wow, thank you so very much for the fav and the push. I just wish I knew how to show wave lengths - gonna keep trying new things. @nydelignorsk Thanks, I had prisms as a kid but never really went beyond the rainbow part- you tube is a cool place to rabbit hole and learn.
@deborah63 A fun way to play and learn more.
@megpicatilly Thank you, tried a couple of different lights but I had the most fun with the pen light.
@paulmann So glad that I only had to 'demonstrate' rather than explain and defend my findings.
@taffy Thank you, I thought to try a black background but it wasn't working so I grabbed my white sheet.
@nydelignorsk Thanks, I had prisms as a kid but never really went beyond the rainbow part- you tube is a cool place to rabbit hole and learn.