@haskar Thank you so much for the fav. Monday's can be so unpredictable.
@ninaganci You are so very nice to say that. Most grateful for the fav.
@fbailey Retired too (thank goodness) I still have Monday's sometimes. Truly grateful for the fav.
@lostphojo Butter fingers can be my name at times, maybe should be. Oops and spills have their place but why are they so frequent :):) I am very thankful for the fav.
@jernst1779 Thank you so much, especially for the fav.
@angelikavr Thanks, some oops and mistakes give us a second chance. Most grateful for the fav.
@ninaganci You are so very nice to say that. Most grateful for the fav.
@fbailey Retired too (thank goodness) I still have Monday's sometimes. Truly grateful for the fav.
@lostphojo Butter fingers can be my name at times, maybe should be. Oops and spills have their place but why are they so frequent :):) I am very thankful for the fav.
@jernst1779 Thank you so much, especially for the fav.
@angelikavr Thanks, some oops and mistakes give us a second chance. Most grateful for the fav.
@ziggy77 @angelunderwater @robz Thank you so kindly for the faves.
@onewing My ability to make a good soft boiled egg is most definitely not my strong suit.
@annied Thank you so kindly for the fav. Some eggs behave themselves, not all mine, though.