Interesting to read of controlled fire. I imagine this would need significant skill and experience to be effective. TYF telling us about it; otherwise I'd never have known. So much to learn here...way beyond photography!
@golftragic Thank you very kindly. I am glad about the fire lull too.
@domenicododaro Thank you so very much. I wonder if they still make IR film? I did work a tiny bit with it 30+ years ago but never achieved too much success.
Just beautiful, like snow trees! I did look into converting my old 500D but I can only find one company over here that will do it and I baulked at the price they are charging.
@stephanies Thank you so much. Shame that about the cost to convert. Try filters then. They take more time and lots of patience but they are cheaper than conversion.
@megpicatilly Very grateful for the fav, the trees really do take on a surreal quality.
@teaandcheddar Thank you a great deal.
@taffy Thank you, I love that these trees looked snow covered, it was 72 outside.
@jernst1779 Grateful, thank you.
@domenicododaro Thank you so very much. I wonder if they still make IR film? I did work a tiny bit with it 30+ years ago but never achieved too much success.
@haskar Very grateful, thank you so kindly.
@s4sayer The controlled burns are a necessity. I too have learned so many different things from this great community of photographers.
@pdulis Thank you so very kindly.
@deborah63 Yes, this is infrared (IR for when I'm lazy). I love how the trees look snowy.
@stephanies Thank you so much. Shame that about the cost to convert. Try filters then. They take more time and lots of patience but they are cheaper than conversion.