ooops! flamingo sunday! won't the flamingo friday police - that's @stray_shooter - fine you for posting this on a sunday? beautiful colours and details of the plumes. loving it!
Great capture of this guy. At the Safari Park? It wasn't cold enough to warm his nose... Oh well, he's just relaxing in a pose for a different kind of flamingo photo.
@aglennc Hi Anita. No this one lives at the San Diego Zoo. Don't know why but the flamingos at the zoo are a much deeper color than the ones at Safari Park.
Hey, hey, it's not Friday!! Yes, as @summerfield mentions, you are subject to discipline! ;-) Great capture, Joy. I noticed that color difference between the two zoos also. Some time ago, when someone mentioned the orange hue on one of my photos from many months ago I had researched why they were different. If I can remember it, I'll look that up and post it here.