wave  by kali66


And to show his dedication to his mama, he stood for this wave without flinching, getting wet to his knees! thankfully I got the shot! a bit blurry perhaps (meets the bokeh requirement ) and was tilted and underexposed so i have edited this one a bit
September 20th, 2018  
it works well on black - I like the blur
September 20th, 2018  
Great capture! I think the blur reinforces the feeling.
September 20th, 2018  
September 20th, 2018  
What a good lad!! What a great shot,!!
September 20th, 2018  
very atmospheric
September 20th, 2018  
Very pretty on black..
September 20th, 2018  
Great shot love the blur
September 20th, 2018  
Fabulous shot.
September 20th, 2018  
I underexposed nearly every shot - it adds depth and drama...IMHO!
September 20th, 2018  
@vignouse yes i must say i usually go one or two stops under, but in this case the metering may have been the culprit, tricky into the setting sun.
September 21st, 2018  
A very good offspring to do that! And wonderful result with the surf.
September 21st, 2018  
creates a shot with great atmosphere and solemnity.
September 21st, 2018  
ps - I have just read your challenge It think this fits really well.
September 21st, 2018  
What a brave son to stand in the face of the crashing waves. He must have a little something of the sea in his soul. The blur is beautiful and the exposure is wonderfully atmospheric. I especially like how his reflective silhouette partakes ever do subtly in the golden glow left by the sun upon the water, as if the glow, too, is within him. Such a wonderful capture including all the elements of the challenge!
September 22nd, 2018  
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