Nellie's a Beauty. by ladymagpie

Nellie's a Beauty.

Thank you all for you comments and FAV on my Loopy Lupin capture of yesterday, I really do appreciate all your views.

I'm not feel very well at all today after being up all night with some sort of food poisoning, I will not go into that to descriptively, but please excuse me if I take a time to view your pictures, I will catch up.

Thought I would share this beautiful flower with you, it's a Clematis with the name "Nellie Moser". It has lovely wide spreading petals and very attractive stamens. Comes from my flowery friends garden but was hidden away against a back fence, she promises that in a few seasons it will dominate the area.

Best viewed with the dark background.
What a beautiful flower! Nicely composed and love your POV. FAV. Hope you are feeling better soon.
May 30th, 2015  
Lovely flower
May 30th, 2015  
Gorgeous detail, get better Heather!
May 30th, 2015  
Nice have the same flowers out that we have here in Canada!~!
May 30th, 2015  
May 30th, 2015  
She is! And she will take over! Take care of yourself.
May 30th, 2015  
Lovely close up. Hope you feel fully fit again soon.
May 30th, 2015  
Sorry to hear you are not feeling too good and hope you feel better soon. Lovely shot of this Nellie - Fav. We have one just outside our front door
May 30th, 2015  
Beautiful clematis. Take care.
May 30th, 2015  
A beautiful close up shot. Hope you feel better soon, Heather
May 30th, 2015  
So pretty.
May 30th, 2015  
Wonderful clematis. Years ago I fainted from food poisoning and broke my two ront teeth which led to expensive crowns so take care
May 30th, 2015  
Lovely petals remind me of peppermint for some reason. I hope your feeling better.
May 30th, 2015  
Gorgeous clematis image. Fav. Get well soon.
May 30th, 2015  
Beautiful colors, well captured. A fav...hope you are feeling better very soon...take good care!
May 30th, 2015  
What lovely soft colours. Hope you are feeling better soon.
May 30th, 2015  
what a beautiful colour! fav
May 30th, 2015  
That's very attractive
May 30th, 2015  
It certainly is a beautiful flower :) Get well soon!
May 31st, 2015  
Lovely capture
May 31st, 2015  
Food poisoning is not nice. I hope you feel great soon. Beautiful Clematis and great capture of it. FAV
May 31st, 2015  
This is very nice
May 31st, 2015  
One of my favourite clematis heather. Hope you're feeling better. In answer to your query I live in Tewkesbury and lived for many years in Cheltenham. so not far away.
May 31st, 2015  
May 31st, 2015  
Simply beautiful Heather. Hope you feel better soon.
June 1st, 2015  
really pretty!
June 4th, 2015  
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