Wednesday - Hot, Hot, Hot by ladymagpie

Wednesday - Hot, Hot, Hot

I took this on Wednesday evening and you are looking at the top two numbers. I have a weather station that can be viewed on a small screen in my lounge.

The top left number shows the temperature as 32.1 C outside, whilst the top right numbers of 27.3 C was the temperature inside my bungalow. I was suffering and glad it's much cooler today.

I tried to go down to my local supermarket to cool down, but they threw me out for lying on top of the freezer’s cabinet, I didn’t even wear my bikini so what was the problem. I did open the cabinets to pass ice-cream to the other customers.

Keep smiling.
Pleased it's cooled down a bit now
June 28th, 2024  
It was hot but I like it now we have retired! No fun carting hay in the heat!
June 28th, 2024  
Looks like perfect weather to me.
June 29th, 2024  
I love your sense of humor and I hate the heat.
June 29th, 2024  
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