I have to be early today as I have a hospital appointment in Cheltenham, nothing series but I'm having an MRI head scan. They tell me it's nothing to worry about, just a recheck on a scan 10 months ago. Personally I think my doctor doesn't think I have a brain and wants it confirmed.
Well with this week's hot weather and I mean very not, the insects and butterflies have been about. This lovely bee was having a search for nextar on this buddleia flower. It reminded me of the say, "That's the bee's knees".
So I looked up the meaning and where it comes from. Obviously it means that something is great, or someone or something is great.
The phrase was first recorded in the late 18th century, when it was used to mean 'something very small and insignificant'. Its current meaning dates from the 1920s, at which time a whole collection of American slang expressions were coined.
So there you go I could come under both descriptions, eg. I'm very small or insignificant and then I'm fantastic.