reflector comparison by ltodd

reflector comparison

The use of reflectors is an often overlooked photography technique. I decided to compare a shot with & without using a reflector. It seems the shiny white carry bag reflected a warm rather than neutral light. I held the bag overhead & to the right of the shot, 'aiming' the bounced light towards the right of the figure. I have kept the same camera and LR settings so I could see the difference the reflector makes as clearly as possible.

This shot demonstrates how challenging it is to achieve balanced lighting. Some areas are better with the reflector, but other areas (like the stomach area have less detail. I had not expected the colour temperature to change quite so much - the reflective paper looked 'white' to me!
An informative, if not artistic shot! :))
What an interesting result. I have so much to learn!!!
March 29th, 2016  
interesting experiment
March 29th, 2016  
Fascinating to see the change in tone. There's definitely more detail visible in the reflected shot.
March 29th, 2016  
Great comparison. You can really tell the difference.
March 29th, 2016  
Great experiment thanks for the free lesson!
March 29th, 2016  
Fascinating to read your narrative. Thanks for sharing.
March 29th, 2016  
Cool experiment. Thanks for sharing.
March 29th, 2016  
How fascinating. Again you have inspired me
March 30th, 2016  
Interesting experiment.. Is that Optimus Prime!!
March 30th, 2016  
Wow informative comparison Lyn!
So much to learn about photography!
March 31st, 2016  
An interesting shot. I thought you were going to say you had used a gold reflector, not a white one, fascinating.
March 31st, 2016  
Well done.
April 3rd, 2016  
So was the right image the one with the reflector? What I find interesting is Some parts of the image on the left are clearer and more in focused but there is some area that is too much in he shadow. While the one on the right looks warmer and there is no shadow but some parts look a little blown out where the one on the left is clear. I have to agree with you it is not always that easy and I think when you are lighting up shinny subjects that is the case as well. Just like when using a reflector when someone has oilier skin and it can be a bit blown out with the highlights.

Thank you for sharing nice example to learn from
April 4th, 2016  
I really liked this one - both so clear and nice, but the right one just has this touch of richness to it. Thanks for sharing.
April 5th, 2016  
@myhrhelper my thoughts too ! I had assumed reflectors would just magically "work" everywhere.
April 6th, 2016  
You are so great at mentoring / teaching Lyn. This is very fun, informative and I think quite artistic as well actually! Also what a great figure to own ;)
April 6th, 2016  
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