Yellow bow ties... by marlboromaam

Yellow bow ties...

My craptastic shot for the day! Shot with my LG.
Well I disagree nice focus on those bow ties !!
August 17th, 2020  
@samae LOL! Thank you, Sarah!
August 17th, 2020  
What a unique flower, with all its little bow ties making up the bloom. Your description of your photo for the day made me laugh.

The mantis in my latest photo is only about an inch long so just a youngster. I don't know if the rules about determining m/f work when they're that young? Haven't seen as many in the yard this year. Hope it's that I'm just missing them, not that there are fewer and fewer with the passing of time.
August 17th, 2020  
@lyndemc LOL! Thank you, Denise! It makes me happy that it made you laugh. =) Always the best medicine. I think you can still count the segments on the abdomen and determine the sex. Eight for males and six for females. Also, if it pretty much stays in the same place - it's likely a female. I like your mantis capture today much better than Fancy's shot! You've got much more detail!
August 17th, 2020  
Nice shot
August 17th, 2020  
lovely macro
August 17th, 2020  
@bkbinthecity Thank you!
August 17th, 2020  
August 17th, 2020  
Oh wow, I've never seen a flower like this one. so interesting.
Yes, when Shayelynne was still riding (unfortunately, she gave it up although she still boards her horse.
August 17th, 2020  
just ready to burst open
August 17th, 2020  
Cool shot... there are those little books again.
August 17th, 2020  
August 17th, 2020  
Such as interesting buds.
August 17th, 2020  
@bruni Thank you, Bruni! It's lantana. It was a sad day when I had to give up my horse. I still miss her! At least, Shayelynne still has one to board.
August 18th, 2020  
@koalagardens Thank you!
August 18th, 2020  
@kvphoto LOL! Thanks, KV!
August 18th, 2020  
@pdulis Thanks!
August 18th, 2020  
@dutchothotmailcom Thank you, Esther!
August 18th, 2020  
Such an interesting little flower, not common to see those square shaped flowers ! Fav
August 18th, 2020  
@cocobella You are sweet! Thank you, Corinne!
August 18th, 2020  
They are such interesting flowers as they open!
August 18th, 2020  
@rhoing Thanks, Thom! They are.
August 18th, 2020  
This is different from any flower I've ever seen.
August 18th, 2020  
@milaniet This is my nursery bought golden lantana. A wild variety grows in Florida and it has multi-colored blossoms with pinks and yellows and lavenders all on one blossom.
August 18th, 2020  
Ive never seen anything like this
August 18th, 2020  
I like the little bow-ties on the plant...most unusual.
August 18th, 2020  
Yellow lantana. I have one like this and I posted a shot of it some time ago. Very nice close up shot of this one.
August 18th, 2020  
@jgpittenger No lantana where you are, Jane?
August 18th, 2020  
@taffy Thank you so much!
August 18th, 2020  
@sangwann Appreciate your comments! Thank you!
August 18th, 2020  
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