My neighbor's seasonal pond has reappeared after all the rain we got with Debby. I expected to hear a chorus of the eastern spade-foot toads, but no. Wonder if the heat has kept them down in the ground.
@beverley365 Thank you, Beverley. It's dry most of the time. It only appears when we've had lots of rain and that's normally when the eastern spade-foot toads surface to sing and mate.
That is certainly unusual seeing trunks making a cross such as this. I think this image is worth working on because it is different. Could you remove the fencing and maybe enhance the pond?
@wakelys Size varies - depending on the amount of rain.
@danette My rain gauge said nearly eight inches with Debby.
@dkellogg Thank you very much, David.
@photographycrazy Thanks!
@bigmxx Thank you, Michelle.
@ludwigsdiana Thank you, Diana.
@rontu Hah! You're the only one that remarked about those X trees. =)
@mittens Thank you, Marilyn.
@joansmor Thank you, Joan.
@craftymeg LOL! It does look like a Bigfoot. Thank you, Margaret.
@rensala It is, until it dries up. =)
@robz Thank you very much, Rob.
@sangwann Thank you, Dione.
@haskar It will dry up soon enough.