Milestones by myautofocuslife


Not a great photo and not one I'd intended to post but, when I checked the shots I'd taken on Sunday, this one looked presentable so I thought, why not. 8)

On Sunday, The Kid along with over 3,400 recruits, graduated as privates after completing their BMT (basic military training) course. Prior to the graduation parade at the Marina Bay Floating Platform, they finished a 24km route march to the site in full battle order (which includes helmet, webbing, rifle and full pack). Right now, The Kid is home on a week-long break. He reports back on Monday for the rest of his compulsory two-year stint in the military.

The graduation parade on Sunday was a milestone because it meant that 900,000 men have undergone the rite of passage that is national service in this country since it was introduced in 1967.

What you see in the shot (view it magnified if possible): I was taking the photo over the heads of everyone else taking photos! All parents were invited to the parade. It started at 7.45am. We watched the sun rise.

The Marina Bay Floating Platform is the largest floating stage in the world.

In the background, you can see the iconic 3-tower structure of the Marina Bay Sands Hotel which has over 2,500 rooms. The hotel is part of the Integrated Resort which includes a massive convention-exhibition center, a massive shopping mall, restaurants, theaters and a casino.

Doesn't the SkyPark at the top of the 3 towers look like a spaceship? Or a gigantic surfing board? 8D

The SkyPark is home to the world's longest elevated swimming pool which is on the 57th floor. This infinity pool is a major attraction. Many tourists choose to stay at the hotel just for the experience of using the pool! Also in the SkyPark are rooftop restaurants, nightclubs, gardens and an observatory deck.

No, I haven't been there.

The white lotus-like structure is the ArtScience Museum. Current exhibitions are Andy Warhol and Titanic Artifacts.

To the left is the Helix Bridge. It has a striking double-helix structure.

You might be able to make out 3 funnel-shaped structures in the far distance above the Helix Bridge. They are the tops of "Supertrees" which will be vertical gardens of 25 and 50 metres high. The Supertrees are part of Gardens by the Bay, which is due to open on 29 June. Included on the grounds are two massive, cooled conservatories which will house plants that do not otherwise grow in our tropical climate. One is called Flower Dome and the other Cloud Forest. I cannot wait to go and take photos when they are open!

This is the most long-winded description I have ever written for a photo. It's a wonder I haven't put myself to sleep. Zzz-zzz.
Not boring at all! Wow, that platform is certainly impressive. Congrats to The Kid!
April 10th, 2012  
HAHAHA! I love your comments Livia! And I really enjoyed your commentary and learned alot....a wonderful capture of a truly monumental moment in your lives!
April 10th, 2012  
I lived there two years and did not know all these things. Thanks for the update- very informative!
April 10th, 2012  
Congrats to your kid for completing BMT. I'm sure you are very proud of him.
April 10th, 2012  
Great shot - I love seeing so much amazing architecture! Looks like you are living in a science fiction movie. Wonderful caption - I had fun reading your explanations and learned a lot. Congratulation to your son!
April 10th, 2012  
Wow great shot, i love it!
April 10th, 2012  
This is a great peek into your everyday life. Thanks for sharing!
April 10th, 2012  
Oh Livia, it wasnt boring at all. Great description and made me bring memories back of our visit last year. The Sands is gorgeous, the Floating platform is amazing, and I loved the bridge. We didnt stay at that hotel but went to the top; the view is magnificent. Congrats to the graduate.
April 10th, 2012  
Fantastic story and shot, never been but it looks impressive.
April 10th, 2012  
Awesome Livia. Thanks so much for sharing. Congrats to your son. You must be proud.
April 10th, 2012  
The narrative wasn't boring! I got really into it. And I love this shot. Beings back so many memories of being there last summer. Great shot of a very odd hotel :)
April 10th, 2012  
Great shot Livia!
April 10th, 2012  
Amazing shot - so much going on & so many fascinating buildings.
Must've been a very proud day for you. Thanks for sharing it with us. :)
April 10th, 2012  
Great shot!
April 10th, 2012  
Stunting architecture. You big tale gives me a lot of reading but i like it , very interesting . It`s a great view and so many to look at/on
April 10th, 2012  
Congrats to them all and a wonderful shot!!
April 10th, 2012  
Wonderful narrative, thanks for sharing! I cannot wait ot see your pictures from Gardens by the Bay!
April 10th, 2012  
I'm with Chris - very sci-fi. And most interesting write up!
April 10th, 2012  
This is a great shot and explanations! Enjoy your week with your son!
April 10th, 2012  
Very impressive! What a proud day.
April 10th, 2012  
An incredible shot. Thank you for the description!
April 10th, 2012  
What caught my eye first was the people taking pics. Love it.
April 10th, 2012  
Wow! The architecture is really unique! Very space-age looking to me! And congratulations to your son on his graduation! Hope his two years of service pass peacefully!
April 10th, 2012  
not boring at all - it's good to know what's going on and what I'm looking at - congrats to The Kid!
April 10th, 2012  
congratulations to the KID, what an amazing shot this is Livia, another wonderful description from you, and what a wonderful hotel that is.
April 10th, 2012  
Somewhere in that group of men is your son. I get teary-eyed and a lump in my throat thinking about people who serve their country. No matter what the reason (and like it or not!) I admire them. He is the one that my eyes would be searching for. Awesome scene.
April 10th, 2012  
Impressive shot of those buildings. Love all the cameras held up, just caught the feel of everyone trying for the moment too. Well done to your son and great day for you too.
April 10th, 2012  
Wow...and thank you for the description. It made it much more interesting! I have, I regret to say, never given Singapore much thought, but your lovely photos and descriptions are giving me ideas for a new travel destination! :)
April 11th, 2012  
Love your shot and your narrative! You described everything so very well! Congratulations to your son on finishing BMT. Now it will be one to a more specialized training I'm guessing. These structures are so fascinating, Livia! Would love to visit them myself. But, you'll have to be my eyes for now.
April 11th, 2012  
Wow this is wonderful. Thank you for sharing! You have to be so proud.
April 11th, 2012  
Very interesting place and great shot of this monumental day! Congrats to the kid!
April 11th, 2012  
Amazing platform and even more amazing shot. Congratulations to your son :-)
April 11th, 2012  
Nice shot! Congrats to your son and may the two years be quick and uneventful.
April 11th, 2012  
I've seen this in travel it Singapore????
April 11th, 2012  
Interesting piece of architecture and information. First time I've seen it or read about it. Quite fascinating.
April 11th, 2012  
Congrats to the much to view in this photo..thanks for the tour!!!
April 11th, 2012  
Wow. Congrats and love all the back story about the photo!
April 11th, 2012  
This is cool
April 11th, 2012  
Thx for sharing! Amazing to see the size of the structures in the background and the large number of recruits.
April 11th, 2012  
very impressive!! congratulations!!!
April 11th, 2012  
I always love reading your commentary! Great capture and congrats to the kid!
April 11th, 2012  
Not boring at all. Love that not only do you give us a great view of the world, but you help us learn more about your part of the world too. Glad your son graduated. You must be goin through so many emotions. I think I'd be overwhelmed. Great capture. So much goin on in it. Amazing architecture too.
April 11th, 2012  
What a great photo, Livia. How wonderful to have your son with all the recruits standing tall across the way from relatives and friends. Congrats to the kid. Love the structures also. What an interesting commentary that you wrote.
April 11th, 2012  
Loved all that info, not boring no way. This is such a personal and proud moment you have shared with us, thank you. It is a stunning back drop too.
April 11th, 2012  
what a cool shot! great story too!
April 11th, 2012  
@kamb Yes, for sure, I'm in Singapore. 8)
April 11th, 2012  
nice one
April 11th, 2012  
Impressive shot and story! You must be proud not only of your son but of your beautiful country as well. Congratulations to The Kid and to The Parents :)
April 11th, 2012  
@myautofocuslife Oh I'm a bit slow. I should have recognised it from your other shots...deeerrr!
April 11th, 2012  
Lovely shot and scenery. You must be proud of him.
April 11th, 2012  
Wow, so much neat stuff to see in this pic! Thanks for the tour. :) And congratulations to your son!
April 11th, 2012  
Great commentary and information ... Congratulations to your son too!
April 11th, 2012  
Love these buildings! And great commentary too!
April 11th, 2012  
Great shot of this beautiful architecture :D
April 11th, 2012  
congrats...and great one here
April 11th, 2012  
Great shot and commentary, not only about the National Service aspect, but also on all that incredible architecture!
April 11th, 2012  
That platform is amazing … the hotel is incredible! Nice shot.
April 11th, 2012  
Yup, looks like a mother ship! Great shot Livia :)
April 11th, 2012  
awesome structures. i think when i visit manila next year, i'll pass by singapore. i suddenly missed my adventures there. :-) great pic, livia.
April 12th, 2012  
A great, big, marina-sized, too-tall, spaceship-enhanced, shutter-happy, heartfelt "THANK YOU!" to all!

Thank you for your congrats and well wishes. I receive them gratefully! I hope the rest of his time in national service passes quickly and uneventfully too. These buildings are some of the tallest, biggest and newest in Singapore. They are changing the skyline in a very distinctive, bold way.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I appreciate your kindness. Again, thank you, very much!
April 12th, 2012  
Congratulations. Terrific backdrop
April 12th, 2012  
What a spectacular place a view for your son's march out parade! Certainly much prettier and photo worthy than when my husband marched out of Kapooka (i just googled it, and yep, very drab compared to this!). Thank you for all the information too, a few friends have stayed in the Marina Bay Sands Hotel so it looked very familiar to me. Your description definitely did not put me to sleep, it is such a monumental occasion to watch a member of your family graduate from their Basic Training!
April 12th, 2012  
Love your narrative. Interesting stuff and fascinating architecture.
April 13th, 2012  
Wonderful description for a proud picture :)
April 13th, 2012  
Loved your commentary - very proud time for your family - congratulations to your son - we no longer have compulsory army training ... it would be good to bring back - l think all youth need that rite of passage - amazing backdrop to the graduation!!
April 13th, 2012  
incredibly fabulous shot!
April 13th, 2012  
This is amazingly profound. Cheers!
April 14th, 2012  
Thanks for sharing this very important part of you and the Kids life with us... and I wholeheartedly agree with you that the time passes by quickly and uneventfully. The shot of the architecture is amazing and your description was very informative and absorbing. ♥♥
April 15th, 2012  
Congratulations! i'm certain you are very proud! i enjoyed the comments, what a beautiful keepsake the photo is!
April 16th, 2012  
Well done to your boy. I have seen TV programmes about the hotel, it looks incredible.
April 17th, 2012  
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