I'm No Shrimp by myautofocuslife

I'm No Shrimp

Often, I have no idea what kind of bug I'm taking a photo of. And they're so small, I can't see them properly. When I eventually download the files to take a look, I'd be flabbergasted at what I can see because it looks so strange, like a tiny alien!

Take this little guy. All of 0.5cm (0.2in). And he looks like a dried shrimp. Or a clawless crayfish. Or something crunchy. I didn't even know what keywords I should google to identify him!

After two days of googling, after nearly giving up hope of being able to make an identification, I now believe he is a leafhopper nymph (Coelidia olitoria). They come in different colors ranging from an earthy brown to a bright red.

Still looks like dried shrimp to me though. 8D
I agree with you, he does resemble a shrimp! Fantastic shot of him though (whatever he is!) :-)
June 8th, 2012  
Fantastic dof, he fits right in shrimp or not!!
June 8th, 2012  
I don't know anything about macro photography and have never tried it, so you're write up is so interesting to me!
June 8th, 2012  
Amazing detail again. These insects are all so intricate for such small beings.
June 8th, 2012  
What a strange creature! You must have the most fantastic eye sight to spot these little things.
June 8th, 2012  
T his is great! Your camera, I saw you saying, is not DSLR...It surely does great macros! Well, you do too! It takes correct operation too! haha I thought leaf hopper when I saw this too, and he just has not gotten his wings yet. I took one a few weeks ago and had never noticed these guys before then.... http://365project.org/espyetta/album-2/2012-05-27 I had one more close up, but it was not clear and I thought this one was " prettier"...but they have really spikey whitish legs and heads like this...I loved how you said you did not even know what to google. I have run into that problem before. Like my tiny bug from yesterday...."Last one down is a rotten egg" pic....Someone said "big eyed bug" on it...so need to go check that out. You do great macro work!
June 8th, 2012  
Nice close up of the creepy little guy... Maybe you can figure out what it is after you eat it!!
June 8th, 2012  
He does look like a little shrimp. I love the composition and details.....he looks like he's just happily going about his business. Beautiful close up :-)
June 8th, 2012  
Great Macro Livia
June 8th, 2012  
I think the consensus is he's a shrimp! not sure I'd want to eat him though Livia!
June 8th, 2012  
never seen such a bug before, but it looks really small! Very well done on the focus and pic!
June 8th, 2012  
Wonderful macro!!
June 8th, 2012  
I like the crustacean themed insect portfolio you have going! I'm learning so much from your amazing photos!
June 8th, 2012  
Stunting micro. You got yourself into a lot of trouble to find out the name of the bug and we all benefit of it by learning. Thanks
June 8th, 2012  
Excellent macro shot. I love the clarity of the photos you take.
June 8th, 2012  
June 8th, 2012  
LOL.. love the title.
June 8th, 2012  
June 8th, 2012  
very well taken macro. Apt title.
June 8th, 2012  
wow, AMAZING detail!!!
June 8th, 2012  
You are wonder woman with the bugs. Great take again.
June 8th, 2012  
Awesome macro Livia!
June 8th, 2012  
Fantastic macro, Livia! You are the queen of the tiny bug shots! Honestly!!! Great focus and details! Wonderful composition!
June 8th, 2012  
awesome closeup, and great research!
June 8th, 2012  
You find the strangest bugs! I am so jealous :) Amazing capture!
June 8th, 2012  
Another incredible capture Livia!.......Just fabulous detail & information! : ]
June 8th, 2012  
Very strange looking fella =) fab macro as always!
June 8th, 2012  
Excellent details,great macro shot.
June 8th, 2012  
another fantastic shot, this is very interesting bug
June 8th, 2012  
Excellent bug shot Livia! You're really quite fabulous with these!
June 9th, 2012  
I absolutely love your insect shots!. And your titles give them such personality. :)
June 9th, 2012  
Clearly the common dried shrimp bug :)
June 9th, 2012  
it sure does look like a dried shrimp...great details
June 9th, 2012  
I love his beautiful color and the spikey "hairs!" I think that he looks like a shrimp too .. with long legs! He's tiny. AND beautiful. Fabulous macro, Livia.
June 9th, 2012  
Whatever it is, it was captured beautifully by you Livia.
June 9th, 2012  
Wow another stunning macro shot Livia. I'm amazed on how you get your super close macro shots so crisp and clear, you must have a very steady hand.
June 9th, 2012  
A lovely Macro capture!
June 9th, 2012  
Cool macro of the hopper thingy!
June 9th, 2012  
Great shot....
June 9th, 2012  
Great macro as always Livia! Love your stories that go with your photos.
June 9th, 2012  
Livia, so small so clear so precise so well explained. Fav again
June 9th, 2012  
What a cool bug!
June 9th, 2012  
So cool and very interesting looking!
June 9th, 2012  
Amazing detail on a bug that no one will even notice!! until now!
June 9th, 2012  
Super macro.
June 9th, 2012  
He is tiny!
June 9th, 2012  
Incredible macro.
June 9th, 2012  
Terrific close-up, Livia.
June 9th, 2012  
wow love the detail here, love your title too
June 9th, 2012  
wonderful macro. So much detail. Last time I came across a bug I could not identify, I emailed the pic to Sydney's Australian Museum. They came back with a reply within days !
June 9th, 2012  
Strangely Beautiful!! Your Macro shots just keep getting better and better!! I love the detail on this one it is really a very clear and unique capture Livia Great Job! :)
June 9th, 2012  
amazing detail!
June 9th, 2012  
Haha ... looks like dried shrimp to me too :) Another great macro ... love the details on his legs.
June 9th, 2012  
Nymphs and Shepherds come away! (its a song) Thats all I know about nymphs! and of course nymphomaniac comes in there somewhere! A little bit more learned here thanks Livia - together with the picture!
June 9th, 2012  
great macro!
June 9th, 2012  
shrimp-spider? great capture Livia
June 9th, 2012  
Fabulous macro Livia, I love the crop/composition of the bug in the shot and the contrast of colours.
June 9th, 2012  
Fantastic detail on the little critter! Love his hairy little legs too :)
June 9th, 2012  
Excellent detail on this little guy.
June 9th, 2012  
He does look small. Excellent capture of whatever he is.
June 9th, 2012  
Wonderful close up
June 9th, 2012  
Yep! Certainly does to me too! Your dedication to identifying each one is brilliant!
June 9th, 2012  
Wow !!!
June 9th, 2012  
What a cutie...I think I only say this because he looks small!!! Wonderful detail and colours!
June 9th, 2012  
small = cute - great shot but I'm deeply grateful that your creatures are so small - you do fabulous work
June 9th, 2012  
Fantastic macro!
June 9th, 2012  
What a fantastic photo, Livia and nice you were able to figure out what it is. How do you google to find these bugs, etc.? I have tried looking for birds and have not had luck finding them.
June 9th, 2012  
Excellent detail : )
June 9th, 2012  
@darsphotos Try to include colors and words that describe the bird? That's what I do with the bugs, and I always look at the images in the results to find a similar one, then go to that link to see if there is more information. This approach doesn't always work, I actually do have photos of bugs I have not been able to identify, but keep searching because you never know! 8)
June 10th, 2012  
Great macro! I would have said grasshopper, but a leafhopper will do fine too :) It really is tiny then!
June 10th, 2012  
A great, big, mysterious, oddly detailed, alien-like and maybe crunchy "THANK YOU!" to everyone! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule to stop by! I love finding tiny creatures for my macro shots and I love learning about them. Thank you so much for your encouragement and support. I am grateful!
June 10th, 2012  
He looks very determined - like a tiny warrior. Another perfect macro, Livia! Amazing what you find out there. It is like a secret wildernis in your huge city :-).
June 10th, 2012  
that shrimp does look like it hops with those bendy legs, great shot
June 10th, 2012  
LOL - "something crunchy" - he is pretty cool, no doubt!
June 10th, 2012  
Wonderful macro - very interesting looking bug!!
June 10th, 2012  
Your macros are so amazing! xx
June 10th, 2012  
I like your shrimpy nymph Livia. Great macro :) x
June 10th, 2012  
Excellent macro!!!!
June 10th, 2012  
Amazing! Your abilty to get perfect focus in these macro shots is incredible Livia
June 10th, 2012  
Amazing focus and detail!
June 11th, 2012  
Another great capture. What I really like is your resilience in the detective work you do for your photos.
June 11th, 2012  
wowsa! that is one krazy lookin insect! what a find! great shot!
June 14th, 2012  
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