...because if i was planning on making money off of it, i'd have needed a permit to shoot it... CAN'T YOU READ THE FINE PRINT?????
s.3.17 of the bylaw says: "No person shall operate any camera, video recording device, movie camera or any similar device for commercial purposes upon the transit system without authorization." It's right there... in black and white ;p
just for the record, the transit commission seems pretty cool with casual photography... i have taken lots of shots in the subway, with my big honkin' dslr, and never (knock on wood) been stopped or even looked at askance... here's what they say on their website:
Tourists, families and individuals filming or photographing within the public areas of the transit system for non-commercial purposes, are not expected to contact the TTC to obtain permission or a permit so long as such filming/photographing does not interfere with the safe and orderly operation of the transit system and/or our customers.
Ha! You seem to need a permit to shoot everywhere these days! Ive been asked to put my camera away in shopping centres and at Heathrow being told i needed permission to shoot there. I can understand for security reasons but no one has ever told me to put my phone away which takes photos too :) Great shot!
But if you are not operating it for commercial purposes, but instead for pesonal purposes, is that okay? The world is turning into such a nanny state. So many rules and regulations. Nice composition
Aaggh, so there you go. Just make sure you don't get in the way of anyone for fear of upsetting the safe and orderly operating of the transit system :)
They have all the rules there in tiny print so that they can say that you should have read them if anything goes wrong. You are probably the first person who has actually read them for a long time. Well spotted. :)
This is so funny - you actually read the fine print! I know many people selling TTC photos over at 500 site. One of the top transit photos is a pic taken of the new subway cars!
hey guys... added some info above... i've never had an issue taking shots in the transit system...
The rules are the same in British railway stations too.