Much Calmer Today by onewing

Much Calmer Today

I had to nip into Nelson Bay again this morning so parked at Fly Point to take this photo.

As you can see it is much calmer today. It is still cold (9 degrees c when I took this picture) and the wind is still W N/W but nowhere near as wild as it was a couple of days ago and I could stand up straight taking this photo instead of almost getting blown away.

See yesterday's photo

Temperature up to 16 c now and sunny so much warmer than it was earlier today.

Sorry I was a bit absent yesterday. I didn't feel too good yesterday and went to bed early. I think the cold and the wind got to me. Feeling much better today
Nice photo and glad you’re feeling better!
July 22nd, 2024  
Wow, quite a difference from yesterday. great capture.
July 22nd, 2024  
Much less W wind here today, sunny & temp. atm is 20c.
Much calmer as you are there.
July 22nd, 2024  
Glad you’re feeling better and the weather is warming up!
July 22nd, 2024  
Pretty view. Glad you are feeling more chipper
July 22nd, 2024  
What a difference a day makes!
July 22nd, 2024  
Glad you are feeling better than yesterday. Looks much calmer
July 22nd, 2024  
It looks lovely and quite peaceful today. Hard to believe but we had sunshine yesterday and today it is shining too. At least I could get out and about with my camera.

Sorry you were not feeling well, good to know that you are feeling better today Babs :-)
July 22nd, 2024  
Glad you are feeling better :)
I find being out in the wind can make me feel a bit off too.
July 22nd, 2024  
Lovely and calm today, be good to yourself …
July 22nd, 2024  
Great to see those winds have died down. We had another lovely day today
July 22nd, 2024  
Glad you are feeling better - love the calmness of today's scene !
July 22nd, 2024  
Good shot
July 22nd, 2024  
What a difference a day makes lovely image Babs:)
July 22nd, 2024  
Glad you are feeling better. What a difference in one day!
July 22nd, 2024  
Looking much calmer and lovely.
July 22nd, 2024  
Lovely shot and nice to see it with calmer waters. Glad you are bouncing back to wellness!
July 22nd, 2024  
What a difference a day makes 😁
July 22nd, 2024  
So different!
July 22nd, 2024  
It does look calmer.
July 22nd, 2024  
Quite a contrast between this and your previous shot!

July 22nd, 2024  
A great contrast, nice capture
July 22nd, 2024  
A real contrast, your temps are about what ours are and it’s summer!
July 22nd, 2024  
A lot calmer
July 22nd, 2024  
Guess you got a chill Babs! It’s surprising how long it takes to get over being cold for a good while. Looks much calmer!
July 22nd, 2024  
Lol Babs - you'd be flat out recognizing it.
July 22nd, 2024  
What a difference from yesterday. Lovely capture! Glad you’re feeling better.
July 22nd, 2024  
Glad to see the wind died down some and that you're feeling better today. Nice shot.
July 23rd, 2024  
Big difference. it is much calmer.
July 23rd, 2024  
What a difference a day makes! A much calmer image!! :)
July 23rd, 2024  
July 23rd, 2024  
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